Dear <<First Name>>,

Happy (belated) St. Patrick's Day! Especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important to find the little things that make us happy and that can be celebrated. Whether that's taking the dog for a walk, baking cookies or reading this newsletter, finding joy in these hard times is what will get us through.

St. Patrick's Day was on March 17 this year, and even though celebrations looked quite different than they usually do, the Chicago River in the US was still dyed bright green! St. Patricks Day originated in Ireland but was popularized by Irish immigrants to North America as a celebration of their culture. A common symbol of St. Patrick's Day is the four-leaf clover, which is supposed to bring good luck. I'm wishing you all the luck of the Irish!
Vaccination plan update

We're working hard to ensure that every British Columbian receives the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible, starting with those who are most at risk. I'm so happy to share that the Province's COVID-19 Immunization Plan is moving forward ahead of schedule and more than 300,000 front-line workers, including first responders, grocery store employees, and teachers and child care workers, will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations over the coming weeks.

Beginning in April, people in priority groups identified by public health and the COVID-19 Workplace Task Group will start to receive their first dose of the AstraZeneca/SII COVISHIELD (AZ/SII) vaccine. These groups include:

  • first responders (police, firefighters, emergency transport);
  • K-12 educational staff;
  • child care staff;
  • grocery store workers;
  • postal workers;
  • bylaw and quarantine officers;
  • manufacturing workers;
  • wholesale/warehousing employees;
  • staff living in congregate housing at places such as ski hills;
  • correctional facilities staff; and
  • cross-border transport staff.

These priority groups have been identified as workers in places and sectors where:

  • the use of personal protective equipment and barriers can be challenging;
  • outbreaks and clusters have occurred or are ongoing;
  • workers must live or work in congregate settings; or
  • maintaining the workforce for a critical service is necessary.

In total, B.C. expects to receive approximately 340,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine by the end of May 2021. The Province will use a combination of community pharmacists, existing immunization clinics and mobile clinics at some worksites to administer the AstraZeneca vaccine to front-line workers.

You can find more information here:

Online grant program expands to support more businesses

BC businesses have been hit hard by the pandemic, so in response to a high number of applications, the Province is investing an additional $30 million in the Launch Online Grant program! The Launch Online Grant program provides up to $7,500 to businesses to help build or expand an e-commerce site to reach more customers and to sustain and grow their business. An online presence is integral for businesses that want to adapt their operations to better reach customers in their community, throughout BC and beyond. These changes will help approximately 4,000 more businesses market their products and services online. 

The new funding is in addition to the February 2021 announcement of $12 million to support 1,500 businesses to enhance or establish their online presence. Currently, over 3,500 businesses from around the province have applied, demonstrating the need for these supports. Businesses in the hard-hit tourism sector, like tour operators or hotels, and businesses in the service industry, such as massage therapists, personal trainers or hair stylists, can now access the grants to build or improve their online booking systems.

As part of the eligibility enhancements, 30% of the grant funds will now be reserved for Black, Indigenous and people of colour-owned (BIPOC) businesses. This is expanded from the original 25% of grant funds that were reserved for Indigenous and rural businesses.

For more information on the Launch Online Grant program, including the application process and eligibility, visit:

Permanent increase to assistance rates helps people in need

This past year has been challenging for everyone, and especially so for those British Columbians already relying on assistance to make ends meet. That's why more than 300,000 British Columbians will benefit from the largest-ever permanent increase to income assistance and disability assistance rates and the first-ever increase to the senior's supplement.

Starting with payments issued in April 2021, individuals on income assistance and disability assistance will automatically receive a permanent $175 per month increase - the third increase in rates since July 2017. As well, for the first time since it was introduced in 1987, there will be an increase to the senior's supplement of $50 per recipient. This raises the maximum rate for a single person from $49.30 to $99.30 per month, benefiting up to 20,000 more low-income seniors. It is the first increase to the supplement since 1987 and will support about 80,000 seniors.

For people on income assistance living in special care facilities, their comforts allowance will increase by $20 to $115 per month. The comforts allowance lets people buy basic personal items. The increased amount reflects the rising costs of goods since the allowance for income assistance was last increased in 2005.

You can find more information here:

I'm here for you

As always, if you have questions or need any assistance with provincial COVID-19 supports, please reach out. Thank you for trusting me to support you again as your MLA for Burnaby-Deer Lake. For constituency-related questions, you can reach me at (604) 775-0565 or For all inquiries about my capacity as Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Training, please email


Anne Kang, MLA
Burnaby-Deer Lake
Letters to the MLA from our youth

Have thoughts you would like to share with the MLA? We'd love to hear them! We welcome submissions from all youth of Burnaby-Deer Lake. Email us at with your letter to the MLA.

No Submissions this week.

COVID-19 updates from the BC Centre for Disease Control
There is a total of 4,941 active cases in British Columbia as of March 12, 2021. A total of 83,613 people who tested positive have recovered. 

Fraser Health Authority, which includes the City of Burnaby, has a total of 52,640 confirmed cases, of which 2,725 are active.

As of today, there are more than 2,083,522 completed tests. Our province has adjusted testing to 400,389 people per 1,000,000. 

For more information, please visit BCCDC's website.
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☎️ 604-775-0565    📧
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