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Getting Ready for an Online Passover Seder
The Sages taught: If there is plague in the city, limit the time you spend out of the house, as it is stated in the verse: “And none of you shall go out of the opening of his house until the morning.” And it says in another verse: “Come, my people, enter into your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourself for a little moment, until the anger has passed by”
(Isaiah 26:20).
                                                                            -BT Bava Kamma 60b
As Pesach approaches, we find ourselves for a second year unable to gather as we would like, with family and friends, to celebrate the Passover Seder. And yet, after a full year of COVID-19, we have learned much and know that opportunities still exist for us to connect as a community to share in the joy of the festival. I encourage you to join us online on Saturday, March 27th at 6:00 PM for our Online Community Passover Seder. Here are some suggestions to help get the most out of your online Seder experience:
Usually Passover preparations involve cleaning, shopping, cooking and organizing your Seder. This year, preparing for Pesach will still involve all of that, plus making sure your technology is properly set up to maximize your online Seder experience. The Seder is usually conducted around the table. Consider what device you will be using to view the online Seder and where it will be best situated. Make sure the sound is optimized so everyone can hear. No Haggadah is required as all the text and images will be on screen, but make sure your screen is of sufficient size so that everyone can see. There will be riddles and videos!
Setting the Table
The Passover Seder is a joyous celebration of the exodus from Egypt. Whether you are alone in your home or with others who share your bubble, make sure you create a festive atmosphere. Set a beautiful table and have your candles to kindle the festival lights, wine or grape juice for the four cups, and lots of matza. Prepare a nice festive meal (we will pause in the Seder for dinner) and be sure to set up all the symbolic foods on the Seder plate.
The Union for Reform Judaism (our Reform movement) has provided numerous resources to help learn and prepare for the Seder.
Setting the Atmosphere
Our TAS First Night Community Seder and our Second Night YoFi Family Fun Seder will both be joyful and fun experiential events for everyone. But you can add to your enjoyment of the celebration by creating a special atmosphere for your Seder night. Here are some suggestions and resources:
The Passover Seder is the fulfillment of the mitzvah of Ve-Higadeta Le-Vincha – “You shall tell it to your children” (Exodus 13:8). And yet this year, again, we struggle with the empty seats around our table and our children, grandchildren and all our dear family and friends who should be with us. But we know that the health and well-being of our family and community are one of the highest values of our Jewish tradition and staying home during a pandemic is the simple thing we can do to keep all of us safe. It is a testimony to the strength of our tradition, and the technology we have available to us, that we can still remain connected and share the story of our redemption from slavery in Egypt. With just a little extra preparation we shall celebrate together this year online in joy and dignity and we will conclude with hope for a future which will bring healing to the world.
Chag Kasher v'Sameach,
 Rabbi Jordan Cohen
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