
There is Always Time
March 19, 2021

First, From the Heart

As we hit Equinox, we start to notice more light each day in the global north, and less daily sunlight in the global south. We no longer mark time by the movement of the sun. Today we are beholden to the alarms and alerts of our smart phones and smart watches, and the 24-hour day never seems long enough. As leaders, we are so conditioned to operate at warp speed and fill each calendar block that we barely make space between this activity and the next.
Our false sense that everything on our to-do list has urgency and priority is hard to shake. That also leads us to believe we have no time to add compassion or compassionate actions into our jam-packed day. This week we posit that the key ingredients are attention, awareness, and intention. We even suggest this approach can add an element of spaciousness to each day. Let each moment be a new opportunity for becoming a more compassionate leader.

Best of the Blog

There is Always Time For Compassionate Leadership

In surveys of participants in our Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training program, the number one hurdle to leading more compassionately is shown to be “excess demands on my time.” Where will more time come from to learn to lead compassionately? The process for growing compassion is different from that for growing other skills. You can start growing your compassion today. Read more.

Upcoming Events

Women's Global Compassion Gathering
A Free Hour-long Community Event
March 28, 2021 12:00 PM EDT / 16:00 UTC

We invite you to celebrate International Women's History Month as a global community of compassionate women and allies. We will gather on March 28 to align, inspire, and ignite our collective hearts and minds to birth a more compassionate world. Click here to learn more and register.

Practice Matters

Wrap in Compassion

The moments of life dart by. Sometimes they happen without much notice, and occasionally there are moments fueled by intention and awareness. What’s the difference? Everything, and nothing. Moments are moments are moments. That we know. We also know that entering each moment with intention can make all the difference about the quality of this moment, and each subsequent moment – how we feel, our thoughts, our relationships, and our actions.
The essence of a compassionate life is to approach each moment, each choice point, with an intention toward compassionate action. That might be as simple as being intentional when we greet one another, or how we speak to a colleague or family member. Bringing compassionate intention to each moment doesn’t take any more time or effort. But it does take practice. Then we can show up with the awareness of compassionate intention and let that flow throughout each and every day.
When can we practice? Always!

Recommended Reads

Real Happiness at Work: Meditations for Accomplishment, Achievement, and Peace
by Sharon Salzberg

Want to strengthen your compassionate leadership skills by bringing mindful practices into your work life? In Real Happiness at Work, Sharon Salzberg guides us through a journey to using meditation in the workplace. The book includes twenty-seven exercises and practices for a wide range of circumstances. Read more.

Upcoming Events

New Cohort for Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training
Begins April 21

The Center for Compassionate Leadership is excited to open applications to a new cohort of its eight-week, live online course, Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training for Global Leaders, starting April 21, 2021. This unique training equips leaders with evidence-based tools and practices to lead with more confidence and effectiveness.
In this accelerating and pressurized world, it feels as if we are forced to choose between our own well-being, caring for others, and delivering peak performance as leaders. Compassionate leadership offers a proven pathway to allow leaders to thrive in both their personal and professional lives. Learn more and apply here.
Leadership, Evolved.
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Issue #80 – © 2021 Center for Compassionate Leadership, All rights reserved.

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