

Promoting, Supporting, and Leading Local Emergency Communications Activities

March 2021 Newsletter

The purpose of Georgia AUXCOMM is to promote, support, and lead emergency communications activities that support community needs. This is our monthly newsletter.

Happy 1st Birthday Georgia AUXCOMM

Welcome to spring and that means Georgia AUXCOMM is celebrating it's first birthday!  Here's a short history of our group.

The initial discussions for forming our organization began several years back when a few key leaders attended AUXC training at the Dayton Hamvention.  In July 2019, Georgia Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (GEMA) Deputy SWIC Edwin Whitworth, KJ4KKB, and newly appointed State Warning Officer Greg Smith, KK4YLX, held an exploratory AUXCOMM meeting at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center (GPSTC).  In a room filled with amateur radio leaders from across the state, Whitworth announced his intention to charter an AUXC group and tentatively scheduled a class to be held later that fall. 

ARES and other amateur radio leaders from across the state of Georgia attend the initial exploratory meeting of Georgia AUXCOMM on Saturday, July 13, 2019.

Edwin Whitworth (speaking) and Greg Smith (standing to the left) announce interest in creating a new Georgia AUXCOMM group.

Indeed, as promised, later that year classes were scheduled and conducted. The first two weeks of November 2019 were busy ones as key leaders of the future AUXCOMM group attended COML (Communications Unit Leader), COMT (Communications Technician), and AUXC (Auxiliary Communications) training classes at the GEMA State Operations Center (SOC) in Atlanta, Georgia.  The COML and COMT classes were a great opportunity for future AUXC volunteer leaders to train alongside other full-time public safety officials and EMA leaders. 

COMT class November 4-8, 2019 lead by instructors GEMA Deputy SWIC Edwin Whitworth, KJ4KKB, Fulton County Emergency Services Division Chief Jim Millsap, K9APD, and Georgia Department of Corrections Communications Manager Alan Coody, KJ4AOR.

Selected members of the initial AUXC cohort class examine go-boxes and go-bags during AUXC class held the weekend of November 8-10, 2019 at the GEMA SOC.

After the 2019 Holiday Season, things really began to take shape for Georgia AUXCOMM.  As one does in building a new organization, key people were contacted about being part of the initial leadership team.  Finding volunteers with time, interest, and ability is no small feat.  On March 5, 2019 (just before the COVID-19 emergency declaration) the initial group of 12 leaders met at GEMA HQ to formally create the Georgia AUXCOMM organization.

Initial group of AUXCOMM leaders meet in the GEMA conference room to decide who's doing what.

Formally organizing ourselves as Georgia AUXCOMM on March 5, 2019.

The initial Georgia AUXCOMM leadership team that started it all on March 5, 2019 (L-R) - Greg Smith (KK4YLX), Joe Martin (WB4S), Larry Whited (AB4NX), David Benoist (AG4ZR), John Davis (WB4QDX), Edwin Whitworth (KJ4KKB), Jim Hadder (KE4ZX), James Rakestraw (KI4NIV), Joe Domaleski (KI4ASK), Wally Wilhaite (WW4MSK), Tom Olley (KG4VUB), and Stephen Price (KK4YQV). Yes, this is the famous "picture at the top" that graces our newsletters.

We decided to organize ourselves along two patterns - a formal ICS structure and as a non-profit corporation so that we could conduct business as a legal entity.  On March 19, we formally ratified a constitution and by-laws as Georgia AuxComm, Inc., a Georgia Not-For-Profit Corporation.

At the time of our founding, little did we know the scope and impact of COVID-19 on our operations and growth.   Many big plans we had for 2020 had to be delayed including recruitment, training events, AUXC classes, and public relations.  If you attempted to join our group during 2020, things were challenging.  Please accept my apologies (AUXC PIO Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK - speaking) for any delays in answering your emails.  Besides trying to conduct business remotely and deal with our own COVID issues, we moved our email domain during the year and now finally have things settled.  We're looking forward to formally opening up the group to new memberships in 2021.  Speaking of that...

As we look ahead to our second year of operation, we anticipate a big year for Georgia AUXCOMM.  As our country and state defeat COVID, we're looking forward to more events, more deployments, and (finally) training classes.  Now that we're off to a solid start, we intend to scale up in what we do by reorganizing our team and developing a tighter relationship with ARES.  

If you are receiving this newsletter, then you're "on the list".  This newsletter is our only official publicly-facing news bulletin. Please share it with other like-minded emergency communications stakeholders and interested parties.  If you have any questions whatsoever, don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Looking ahead to 2021,

Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK

March Training Meeting - 3/25/2021, 8pm
Effective Communication of Critical Weather Information
by: Steven Nelson, NWS Atlanta

Please join us online on Thursday, March 25th at 8pm for the monthly training meeting of Georgia AuxComm. This month's presentation is titled "Effective Communication of Critical Weather Information".

Our presenter will be Steven Nelson, the Science and Training Officer of the Atlanta National Weather Service (NWS) office based in Peachtree City, GA.

Steven Nelson, a BS and MS Meteorology graduate from the University of Oklahoma, has been with the National Weather Service since 1994, working at the Norman and Tulsa offices and transferred to the Peachtree City office in 2004. As Science and Operations Officer, his responsibilities include overseeing training and mentoring of the meteorologists and student volunteers, collaborating with physical and social scientists as well as stakeholders, and conducting local research to improve weather forecast and warning accuracy and effectiveness.

Connection Information

This online meeting is open and free for interested amateur radio operators, ARES members, and anyone else with an interest in Emergency Communications.  You do not have to be a member of Georgia AUXCOMM to attend.  We hope you'll join us. Here's the connection information:

March AUXCOMM training - Effective Communication of Critical Weather Information
Thu, Mar 25, 2021 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)

You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
- One-touch: tel:+15713173122,,851767893#

Access Code: 851-767-893

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

This meeting is free and open to all who have an interest in Emergency Communications. You do not have to be a member of Georgia AuxComm to attend.

Georgia AUXC Continues Support for Operation Vax

Columbus Civic Center
Columbus, Georgia
Saturday, March 13th , 2021

Members of the GA AUXC team are continuing to deploy in support of GEMA/HS mass vaccination sites.  On Saturday, March 13th AUXC members met at the Columbus Civic Center mass vaccination site to assist with installation of  internet access (Wi-Fi) via a specialized Cradle point. The team installed the cradle point with multi carrier access as back up for the current internet access. The AUXC team setup radios, iPads, and network cabling.  The team also erected an FM transmitter tower to broadcast instructions to residents arriving for, and health monitoring after, vaccination. Additional site support is expected.

In attendance: David Benoist (AG4ZR), Joe Martin (WB4S), John Davis (WB4QDX), Tom Olley (KG4VUB), Joe Domaleski (KI4ASK).  Remote support (not shown): Stephen Price (KK4YQV). Team lead (far right): GEMA/HS Deputy SWIC Edwin Whitworth (KJ4KKB).

Georgia AUXC Shares MVS Deployment Plans with other AuxComm Groups

On the morning of Saturday, March 13th members of the Georgia AUXC leadership team joined in the weekly AuxComm Saturday morning virtual coffee meeting hosted by John Petersen (K4KEA).  Participating onsite from Mass Vaccination Site (MVS) Columbus, team members shared deployment plans with other national AuxComm leaders.

GaAUXCOMM needs your support!

We have established a non-profit membership organization to support our mission.  Consider becoming an early bird member with a $30 donation. We need your support so we can continue serving the community.  Here's a link you can use to apply for membership and make a donation.

FAQ and Social Media

Keep in touch with Georgia AUXCOMM! We've prepared a handy FAQ about the organization and will regularly communicate updates from this monthly newsletter and via social media outlets.  Check out our new Website, YouTube Channel and Groups.IO email reflector to stay informed!





Groups.IO email reflector



Please direct all general questions and press inquiries to Georgia AUXCOMM PIO Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK, at


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Georgia AuxComm · 401 Westpark Ct Ste 200 · Peachtree City, GA 30269-3572 · USA

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