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Sean & Lisa Michaud

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Dear <<First Name>>,
It has been a little while since we last sent you an update. I’m sure this past year 2020 was a challenge for many. Due to the traveling restrictions in both the USA and especially around the world, all of our ministry trips were cancelled during last year. Earlier this year, we wrote that we were believing that doors would open up in 2021. Praise God! Doors have opened up for us!

Bible School for Zulu Students

Before we get into the awesome door that opened for us, we want to share some awesome news about the bible school on tablets for our Zulu students in South Africa. Praise God that during the lockdown, each of them were able to continue. We received many testimonies from different students where they were thanking God for the Bible school. They have recognized that the Word they received was what saw them through such a difficult time. We want to share a brief testimony from Phumi, one of the students.
“I was diagnosed with covid virus and was hospitalized. I was the only one that came out of the ICU alive. Even in my sick bed I said, “Lord, by your stripes I was healed. Your promises are Yes and Amen. I am declaring in my spirit that I am healed in the mighty name of Jesus.” I kept on declaring that silently until I was able to breathe by myself. When I returned to work, half of the staff was retrenched (laid off). I was sure that since I was absent for a long time, that I had also been retrenched. But to my surprise, I was offered a management position at the head office in Johannesburg. My God will take you from Glory to Glory, Power to Power and from Favor to Favor if you believe in Him.”
We have so many testimonies that it would take a lot of space to give them all! God is good and He is working right in the midst of the chaos that we see in the world right now, which is both physical and spiritual. Jesus’ return is near and the enemy is stirred up and has unleashed a massive attack on the world and on the church. Now more than ever, we must have our hearts grounded in His eternal truth or we will be pulled away by the deception that is sweeping the world in such great fashion. His Word is Truth and it will never change. His Word lives and abides forever!

Lisa Ministering the Word
at Charis Bible College Charlotte – October 2020

Charlotte Directors
Grady and Yvonne O’Brien


Ministry Trip to the Middle East

This leads us to a great update that we want to share with you. This coming Saturday, I (Sean) will be traveling to the Middle East to help kick off a new Bible school. This is not on tablets, but will be live teaching. I was told to not share any specific details as to location, people, etc.

People from different parts of the region will be traveling in to receive Biblical training and also practical training in order to go and plant new churches. God’s Truth is going forth throughout the world but we are not hearing about it in the media. God has not shut down His kingdom! People are still coming to Christ and people still need to be reached with the Gospel, even in such areas where it is not safe to do so.

Map of the Middle East

At this point, the plan is that the school will function for 3 months of extensive study. After a brief break, another set of students from another region will go through the school, and the cycle will continue.
We want to be clear that we did not start this school. Suddenly, this opportunity was presented to me to help teach during the first two weeks of this school. It is amazing how from the beginning of our ministry until today, we have been involved with Bible schools. It just keeps happening, again and again!

This is a great opportunity for you to be a part of what God is doing in the world in that particular region. This trip is going to cost about $4000 for the two week trip. I know that there are people reading this that want to be a part of this ministry by sowing into this trip.
Praise God that even though there are added difficulties and expenses with traveling due to restrictions, there are still opportunities for the Gospel to be proclaimed. It may take more effort, time and money, but if we are willing to put up with those inconveniences, God can still get it done.
Thank you partners for being such a blessing to so many people! TOGETHER, we are continuing to make a huge difference in people’s lives!

                                  Co-Laborers in Christ,


                                    Sean and Lisa Michaud
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