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March 28, 2021


Why are you subscribed to Sandwich Parenting?

For those of you who are my good friends, I know you're doing it to support me. Thank you for being early believers! Please continue to forward this to others who might find the topics interesting or helpful. (If you are receiving this newsletter for the first time, do subscribe!)

In creating a website about parenting, interviewing amazing people around the world for the podcast, getting certified for Parent Coaching, getting certified for Trauma Recovery Coaching, and delivering parenting workshops to parents, I'm discovering a passion for empowering moms and dads to be the kind of parents their children deserve and I believe we all have a role!

Why Am I So Passionate about Parenting?

Simply put, if more parents shifted their parenting approach away from judgment, shame and fear, we would have a lot less adults needing therapy! Each child becoming an adult who can love themselves is another person who freely offers their talent to the world. That is one less person struggling with guilt, perfectionism, anxiety, and/or depression (it's an epidemic!). It is one more person empowered to live their best life. They are less likely to be bullies or victims.

My friend said to me the other day, "You know, all the problems in the world boil down to the fact that people are not kind." I agree wholeheartedly! When people prioritize profit over the well-being of others, productivity over the health of others, personal gain over the livelihood of others... we end up with complicated societal woes that are unsolvable. The question is then of course: are we teaching our children to be adults who are "part of a sustainable system' or who will 'win at any cost'?

While explaining the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the anchorperson on Russia Today concluded: "You can't win this war, you can't lose this war, and you can't end this war." So why does this war continue on!? Why is it allowed to lead to the starvation of hundreds of thousands of children!? Because people believe that their right to make money is more important than what is healthy for our world and other human beings! My husband posited: "Who is benefiting from a war you can't win, you can't lose, and you can't end? Those who produce and sell military equipment and services!" So... people who develop a 'win at any cost' or 'profit no matter the impact' attitude wreak havoc on the lives of other innocent human beings. Bullies and victims.

We cannot sustain the human race if we see ourselves as separate from each other.  We must see ourselves as one unit, one ecosystem where we are greater than the sum of our parts!

How do we do that? Through parenting! Whitney Houston had it right. "The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way."

Parenting Is An Inside Job

So what does that mean? In order to empower ourselves to parent the way our children deserve, it starts with... us! Which leads me to this week's article, a book review about parenting being an inside job!

Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive is a book I would definitely classify as a handbook for parents, a must read for those who overreact to their children’s “misdeeds.” I wish I had read this while I was pregnant or on maternity leave. But I remind myself what they said in the book: We have to be gentle with ourselves because we can only do our best under the circumstances of our lives. READ MORE...

Thank you for joining me in doing the important work of raising children so we can make this world a better place!

Stay safe and be healthy,
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