
It's been in the works for three years, and now we can finally announce: 

Introducing the Black Butterfly Urban Farm Academy!

An Academy Rooted in Baltimore

Springtime in Baltimore always means farmers and gardeners are planting their crops for the season. This year, the Farm Alliance of Baltimore is planting another kind of seed: We have been awarded a two-year, $252,000 restricted grant from the Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) program of the USDA to launch our training academy for farmers from Baltimore's majority-African American communities. Honoring the groundbreaking sociology work of Dr. Lawrence Brown, we have named it the Black Butterfly Urban Farm Academy! 

We are proud to share that our Deputy Director Denzel Mitchell will be leading this new program, which will have four major components: Classroom instruction, a paid farmer-to-farmer mentorship, field learning days, and planting and harvesting actual crops here in Baltimore. The grant also provides paid opportunities for mentor farmers, trainees, and farms that agree to host hands-on field learning days at their sites. Research will be conducted throughout the two year grant period by our friends at the University of MD Extension Service!

With our team of farm support professionals including Program Coordinator Alison Worman and Repair the World Fellow Zohar Berman, as well as Executive Director Mariya Strauss, we are committed to providing our usual high level of support and leadership for our 16 farm members and 9 community garden members.

What Can I Do?

We can't do it without you, our supporters and friends! In the coming seasons your cheerleading and support will be critically important as we get underway:

AND...We're Hiring!

Farm Alliance of Baltimore seeks an experienced P/T farm assistant to help us build our new farmer training program and demonstration farm. This person will assist the Deputy Director with building and daily operation of living systems and farm production at the new Farm Alliance of Baltimore demonstration farm and help operate the Black Butterfly Urban Farm Academy. Reports to the Deputy Director. Frequent travel to South Baltimore (Curtis Bay) is required. Other duties as assigned. Pay is $20 per hour for 18 hours/week, with possibility for full-time employment this summer. Click here for more details and to apply. Please spread the word!


And in other news...

Farm Alliance of Baltimore wishes to thank our incredible Advisory Committee of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color food and farm experts from around the Chesapeake region who recently met to advise us on planning for how the Black Farmers' Resilience Fund will be distributed. We also wish to express gratitude to the emerging Black Farmers' Caucus of the Farm Alliance for their labor and self-organizing work to determine the future direction of the Fund. Your Farm Alliance staff thanks you for your awesome dedication and commitment!
Copyright © 2021 Farm Alliance of Baltimore, All rights reserved.

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