
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
While a primary focus of TIPTOP is to increase IPTp3 coverage, a mainstay of TIPTOP from conceptualization and introduction to acceleration of C-IPTp has been, and remains, ensuring women receive comprehensive ANC services.  Antenatal care matters!  It is the platform for the delivery of comprehensive health services that keep women safe during pregnancy.  In this newsletter, we celebrate the work our TIPTOP countries are doing to increase IPTp coverage and support strengthening and promoting antenatal care for all pregnant women.  This includes fostering the partnership between health facilities and communities and referring women to ANC at community level to achieve optimal outcomes.  The photo series underscores the value of ANC for women who need the care and providers who are there every day to support healthy pregnancies.
Voices from the Field
"During the implementation of the TIPTOP project, there are many sensitization activities around  ANC and IPT because the local authorities who are the most listened to characters, were involved and engaged in the strategies, which helped to better convince pregnant women in the communities to come to the health facilities." 
Dr. Ratsimbazafy Delphin, Chief Physician, Vohitrindry, Vohipeno
C-IPTp is not just about SP!  Comprehensive ANC care is a very large component of a successful C-IPTp program
A TIPTOP photo story from Madagascar
From top left, clockwise:
Photo 1: Pregnant woman traveling to local health facility by boat
Photo 2: Pregnant woman receiving her ANC card documenting services provided throughout her pregnancy 
Photo 3: Midwife providing critical ANC services
Photo 4: Midwife entering ANC data into an electronic tablet for uploading into district database tracking ANC attendance
Photo credits: 1 & 2: Julie Tsiriarivelo; 3: Karen Kasmauski; 4: Eliane Razafimandimby

Meet our TIPTOP team members

Eladio Antonio Muianga

Data Analyst, Mozambique
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: the target audience of the program - being able to contribute even indirectly to healthy pregnancies has been a source of pride on a personal and family level.

Imoyera Winifred

Community Mobilization Officer, Nigeria
I knew I wanted to work in global health: after attending an international health conference in Ethiopia. It helped me realize this is a field that provides learning opportunities more than most and I wanted to continue working to advance the health of people and communities, and through my work inspire, motivate and contribute to national and global development.

Hery Harimanitra Andriamanjato

Senior Program Officer, Madagascar
My role on TIPTOP is: to manage and coordinate TIPTOP activities in all 3 project districts.
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