
Special Edition: World Malaria Day

A Word from the Director
 Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
Dear Partners, Supporters and Friends –

In this last year, countries across the globe have experienced unprecedented challenges from COVID-19 affecting every aspect of life from health and education to business and government.  In the bold and impressive fight against COVID-19, from governments and individuals, this last year has underscored how pregnant women remain among the most vulnerable.  
The fight against COVID-19 may be one of the biggest public health challenges we will face in our lifetimes.  It also underscores the critical importance of maintaining essential health services for pregnant women, mothers and their families to remain safe.  The TIPTOP project remains committed to this in everything we do, every day - from ANC utilization and IPTp uptake to community education and engagement.  With Jhpiego leading implementation, TIPTOP countries are on track and going the extra mile, exceeding targets for IPTp3 and drawing the line against malaria, as seen in the infographic below.
— Elaine Roman
Published article 1: A comparative qualitative analysis
Published article 2: Findings from household surveys
Published article 3: Protocol of the household surveys
Providing essential services to increase IPTp coverage
Photo captions/credits clockwise starting top left: 
TIPTOP CHW counseling pregnant women, Fabrice Witanday, DRC; Pregnant woman receiving ANC services, Esperanca Sambo, Mozambique; TIPTOP supported health care workers, Chioma Odeunyi, Nigeria; Pregnant women waiting for ANC services, Eliane Razafimandimby, Madagascar
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