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Weekly Edition | Issue #27 | March 16, 2021
In This Issue

School and District News
Transitions and Routines
PTA: March Financial Report and Meeting Minutes
Chapman Virtual Talent March Showcase: Submit by Today, Viewing Thursday
Chapman OBOB: The End!
Chapman Art Auction: Call for Media, Volunteers Needed
Spring After School Enrichment: 
     Hillside Soccer Club
     STEM Like A Girl
     Lincoln Girls Youth Lacrosse
     Lincoln Youth Baseball

Upcoming Events

Mar. 18 | Chapman Virtual Talent Showcase | 7:00 PM | Livestream Link
Mar. 22 - 26 | No School | Spring Break 

See the full Chapman calendar here

School and District News

We are excited to welcome back almost 2/3 of Chapman students to hybrid classes after spring break, while about 1/3 are opting to remain in Comprehensive Distance Learning. I know there are lots of questions and we’re beginning to have answers. I’ll try to answer some of them here, but please reach out if you still have questions! (Much of the information below is dependent on ratification by the Portland Association of Teachers which will happen later this week and is subject to change.)
Please remember, we've never done this before and there are likely to be some mistakes and changes as we continue to improve. We'll do our best to correct any errors. 
What will Hybrid look like? We will have two cohorts: an AM Cohort that meets at 8:00-10:15 and a PM Cohort that meets at 12:15-2:30. These cohorts will meet at school every day except Wednesdays. When students are with their cohort, they will be receiving instruction from a classroom teacher around math and literacy, as well as social-emotional learning. They will have asynchronous instruction at home and online for other subject areas when they are not in the building.
When will Hybrid start?  Our kindergarten and 1st graders will be returning on either April 1 or 2nd and our 2nd - 5th graders will be returning April 5. We want to stagger the start for our youngest students, many of whom have never been in the building before, as well as provide time for teachers to plan and prepare. In addition, teachers will be going through training on new protocols and procedures that we are putting into place. 
Will my child have their same teacher? We are making every effort to try to keep students with the teacher they have had all year. However, there will be some students who will have a new teacher. In most grade levels, 2 of the 3 teachers at that grade level will be teaching all of the hybrid students, while the remaining teacher will teach all of the students in Distance Learning. In addition, we have some cohorts that are at capacity. If a family decides they want to join a hybrid class, there may only be room in a different teacher’s class. I am hoping to be able to share out assigned cohorts and teachers by the end of the week.
Can I request to be in the AM or PM cohort? Unfortunately, we have had to take many factors into account when making the cohorts, including: balancing bus stops, participating in Friendly House, keeping siblings together. As a result, there is very little flexibility at this time to allow for requests. 
What should my child bring to school? We need to minimize the amount of things that go back and forth between school and home. All school supplies will be kept in the classroom, and while we have many of the supplies already that your child might need, there are a few things that we are going to ask families to provide. As always, only buy what you are able. 
  • Pencil box big enough to hold pencils, markers, scissors, etc.
  • A Pack of pencils
  • 2 glue sticks
  • A water bottle that will stay at school
  • Kindergarten only: a change of clothes
What if I want to switch? We will always be able to accommodate a switch from Hybrid back to Distance Learning. However, if you opted for Distance Learning and would like to switch to Hybrid, this will depend on whether or not there are any cohorts available at your grade level that are not already at capacity.
Why is the day so short? We are limited to 2 hour, 15 minute sessions because we must leave time between sessions to have the morning group exit,  we must clean all high-touch surfaces. and then bring the next group in. Our bus drivers must also drop off and pick up students mid-day, which takes a lot of time.
What is being done about safety? Every classroom will have a high-quality air filter operating throughout our hybrid days. The district has provided the filters as well as boxes of gloves and masks. In addition we have a designated Symptom Space that has additional PPE such as faces masks and gowns. Plexiglass shields have been in place in our front office since summer. Students will each be given the required number of square footage around their desks and students won't share supplies, books, or other materials. Everyone will be required to wear masks at all times and maintain distance. We will communicate directly with the families of children who struggle with the mask expectations.
As I said above, this is all new to us and there will likely be some mistakes as well as some confusion as we embark on this adventure. However, please know that our staff is committed to providing the best and safest experience possible for your children and we are all excited to see students in our halls and classrooms again.
PPS FAQs about Hybrid

Principal Van Der Wolf

Transitions and Routines

Hello Chapman Families,
In the next few weeks, each of our students and families will be going through another transition. While some of our families remain in CDL and others participate in Hybrid, each child will experience changes in their classroom environment. Last week, Ms. Ariel shared that it is okay and normal to feel fatigue in the face of the upcoming transitions. I think it is worth reiterating that point. Whatever you or your children are feeling right now is valid. I also wanted to provide families with four tips to support their child with the upcoming changes. 
  1. Expect big emotions and behaviors. Even when change is positive, it takes a large amount of energy from a child to adapt to change. You might experience your child seeking more control of their environment or more comfort from you. They might need more sleep, more exercise, even more food as their bodies adjust. These changes in your children will likely also require more energy from you; so remember to be kind and patient with yourself as well as your children.
  2. Prepare your child for what to expect. Provide information about changes they will experience in their classroom, routine, and for students in Hybrid, their school environment. Be positive. Communicate to your child that you are confident in their ability to adapt, and you are also there to support them through it. 
  3. Involve your child in any changes to their routine. Decide what choices your child can’t make, and what they can. Your child may not be able to decide to return to Hybrid or remain in CDL; but they might be able to decide what they eat for breakfast, whether to set their clothes out the night before, or in what order they wish to complete their morning routine. Speaking of morning routine, I know I am not alone in thinking that this is one area of family life where stress can easily creep in. One way to remedy this is to have a meeting with your child ahead of time to work on a schedule together. Put them in charge of drawing or writing a morning schedule and how they would like to display it. Planning and problem-solving together ahead of time can increase buy-in and decrease power struggles in the morning. 
  4. Be as consistent as you can. If there is something you can keep the same, try to do so. Consider bedtime routines, household chores, family rules and expectations, and weekend rituals. Some of these things may need to change to accommodate new family schedules, but try to keep some aspects of family life as consistent as possible.
Finally, as always, Ms. Ariel and I are here to support you through the changes ahead. We love connecting with each of the amazing families in our community and would love to hear from you. I hope you all have a refreshing and energizing spring break!
Ms. Shoshana

PTA March Financial Report and Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes and financial report from the March PTA meeting.

Meeting Minutes
March PTA Financial Report

Chapman Virtual Talent Showcase: Submit by Today, Viewing Thursday

THURSDAY MARCH 18 | 7 PM | Live Stream Link

Who did a stand-up comedy act?  Who knows how to mime?  Which Chapman class did a whole class act?  Which grade had the highest participation?  Who's pets can do tricks?  You'll have to watch to find out.

A fun and free family event sure to entertain thanks to our talented Chapman performers and 5th grade hosts. Enjoy watching and supporting familiar and new Chapman students.   

They may not hear you cheering them on but feel free to leave your "applause" in the form of a comment on their Flipgrid video after the show.    

Today, March 16, is the last day to submit videos for the show! Submit your video on Flipgrid: www.flipgrid/Chapman6846. All videos will go live on Flipgrid following the show on Thursday. 

Go Swifts!

OBOB - The End!

Hot off the press, the final battle for OBOB completed at lunch today. Congratulations to all 13 teams that participated and to the winning team, The Oof Doofs, with students from Ms. Ritzinger's class, Clea, Meadow, Liv, Jane, & Eloise

To make OBOB happen during this unique year was no simple feat of coordination, patience, and care. A huge THANK YOU to Molly PorterAshley Koch, and Chapman Librarian Ms. Cynthia for going above and beyond to make this a great experience for families and a shout out to all the volunteer parent coaches. 

OBOB By The Numbers

📚 Kids participated: 59

📚 Parent coaches: 14

📚 Volunteer coaching hours: 169 (+ eleventybillion organizational hours)

📚 Books: 16

📚 Pages of all books: 3,670

📚 Average book length: 229 pages

📚 Battles: 59

📚 Battle questions read by Cynthia: 697 (each question 2x!)

📚 In person meetings held: 0

📚 COVID cases transmitted: 0

OBOB Slideshow
Kids have shared their favorite moments and things about OBOB. You can view the OBOB Slideshow here.

Happy Reading!

Chapman Art Auction


Remember all of those fun things we used to do as a school community? Well, they will all be coming back (eventually). So, let’s start Looking Forward! 

In order to create a very special program for this year’s virtual auction event, your 2021 Auction Committee needs your help! 

We are looking for your favorite videos capturing fun Chapman activities! Field Trips, Run for the Arts, Plays, Auction, Dining Nights, the Ice Cream Social, STEM Night, Round up, and any other fun Chapman memories you would like to share. We will be featuring many of these videos in our online program, so please only share if you are ok with your video being used exclusively for our Online Auction Event. Please send your videos to Cassie Adams-Harford ( or you can upload directly to our Google Drive folder here


To make this auction a success, we need volunteers: 
  • 1-2 volunteers from each class to take the lead on a class art project
  • 4 volunteers per class to help organize and keep the kids safe and on task when making the art
To volunteer please sign up here by April 1st. 

Read here for more information on volunteering. Contact Brandin Bowen for any questions. 

Thank you for your support!
The 2021 Chapman Auction Committee

Spring After School Enrichment

See the latest after-school enrichment programs that are opening up safely for this spring. 

Hillside Soccer Club: Spring Soccer Is Back!

Register today!

STEM Like A Girl: Spring Workshop

More info:

Lincoln Girls Youth Lacrosse: Grades 3 thru 8

More info:

Lincoln Youth Baseball: Last Call to Register Before Spring Break

Ages: PreK-8th grade!

Useful Links

Questions, feedback, or ideas for the Chimney Flyer newsletter? Please send to
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