
March 2021

The time had definitely come for a serious studio clean up. This past year my studio had become the setting for my day job office, my daughter's remote learning, and our family Zoom hot spot. A bit of chaos: drawing and painting every evening, then clearing everything away for the morning's work. Finally, (now a year into this), I have cleared a place for a separate computer workstation on the far side of the studio! And I can't believe how happy I am about this. It's obvious now I should have done it sooner, but, well, all in good time.

Here is my office area on one side and the studio on the other. I have a new small desk/file cabinet on order, but for now, the folding table and chair work great.

While I was getting my office space set up, I completely cleared out and organized the studio, going through decades of drawings, paintings, notebooks. Found some pretty fun stuff, but also lots and lots of incomplete thoughts and unfinished works. Everything came down from my walls and easels except for what I am currently working on. The others are sorted, labeled, and filed or framed. My flat files have never looked so good!
I find it hard to function in a chaotic space.  Now I am so happy to be in my studio - and to have it back as my studio again (I am almost sorry I didn't take a before pic). And the open space and clear sight lines are already taking effect: I am ready to work with fresh color palettes and ideas. And I love love love not having to tuck everything away at the end of the night!

Cloud study in progress- 6 x 6"
All the best,

PS: A few people have asked about my Notecard Sets: after selling out before the holidays, they are back in stock. Here is the LINK to order.
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