
 photo mechill..jpg

painting of me by : Amanda Bereny (

Hello Lovebugs!

The countdown has begun. It’s still my granny’s bday for a few more hours. While my grandmother was as sweet as pie,the truth is that my grandfather and grandma were separated by the time I was born. There is a strange, sad history of women in my family being involved with addict and abusive men. This is not a “woe is me” sob story or pity party or let’s bash black men. The reason I love teaching and practicing liberatory  practices like Yoga, Meditation and other healing arts is that I acknowledge inter—generational trauma and the buck stops with me. The pain of my ancestors can dissolve and not be passed on if I choose to heal myself. Luckily I got to know most of my maternal granny’s, great- granny’s and great- great aunty’s. My great grandmothers parents and grandparents were enslaved. It wasn’t that long ago that my ancestors were kidnapped africans, and forced to live in harsh neo-colonial  conditions.  I am a proud queer radical black feminist as a result of my blood line. If you are ready to enjoy de-colonial approaches to healing your DNA join me. Let our healing be GLORIOUS!!!!


Just a couple more hours left before Registration closes : )
RSVP here:

Thanks White folks for continuing to contribute to the SCHOLARSHIP FUND:

* White Folks* if you are able please step up to the plate and contribute to the scholarship fund so that People of Color can attend the sessions I offer. This is a means to make these offerings more accessible.   I’ll let these news headlines explains why...

Here are some interpersonal reparations options offered by Business Insider magazine. Here is the full article.

I’d like to thank one of my white students from back in the day. Jamie has stepped up to sponsor a student. One of my Latinx friends in Oregon will now be able to take class with me  even though their cash flow is not where they would like it to be.

Here is the LoveNote from Fall 2016 when I interviewed Jaime and her hubby Amando and they were my featured students : )
Some of you all may remember...
This is when I was teaching yoga at Fitness SF ( Oakland Location)
They lived in the neighborhood and would bicycle to and from class. They also  traveled the world for a year together and I was on their email list with all their updates for each location they stopped to  visit. So cute right!?

* Head down memory lane to read the Love Note they were featured in. LOL!!
Archived Love Note from 2016:

Here is an excerpt  from the Love Note with their interview:
Check out my YOGA STUDENTS of the MONTH they're newlyweds & have been regular students for one year ! Amando & Jamie

*When did you both start practicing Yoga?
Amando started practicing at the end of 2015, Jamie started in middle school with her swim team.
* What benefits have you noticed since beginning a practice?
A: I'm more mindful of my body and its position throughout the day. Especially while sitting or doing work. Practicing also helps me relieve stress and reground myself.
J:  Better posture, flexibility and relaxed breathing.
* What do you enjoy about Misia's class?
A: Misia's class has been a great introduction to yoga for me. I've been able to learn and challenge myself with new poses at my own pace in a supportive environment. Misia is also very mindful of the busy lives we all lead and offers ways to help alleviate that stress in our daily routine. The relaxing music selection is also a component of class that I enjoy.
J: I love Misia's yoga class, she is so welcoming and inclusive. I really like that we focus on a different thing each month so we can slowly grow to master different things through time.

I prefer to have White Folks around that are here to level the playing field.
Honestly and Truly......

In case you missed it...
In my last email I clarified that the registration deadline ends on
N E X T Tuesday 3/16/21. I had a brain fart and advertised the final RSVP date as 3/12/21 and 3/16/21 ( which is my granny’s Bday...she joined the ancestors over a decade ago...but i still feel her sweet PISCEAN love!!!) 

**** The Tuesday night INTRO to HATHA YOGA for Ppl of Color is at capacity. There is a waiting list.*******
There are a few more slots left for Wednesday night 3 week mini course Hatha Yoga for  Womb Health and the Thursday eve Gentle Yoga for Women + Non Binary Femmes of African Descent on Thursday*****

Here is one more offer. The Intro to Hath Yoga for People of Color is almost full. There is still some space in the Gentle Yoga for Women of African Descent ( anyone who Identifies as BLACK and Woman/Femme) class as well as Womb Health 3 week Mini Course.

What I am offering you is 10%  OFF of the course  so the enrollment fee  for the Gentle Yoga for Women of African Descent. Class  goes from $97.77 to $88.88 PLUS you can enroll YOU  or a FRIEND into the  Hatha Yoga for Womb Health 3 Week Mini Course ($40 value) at no additional cost. Yup... 2 Sessions for the price of one.. and I threw in a discount. Ha!!!
SPACE IS LIMITED and the offer ends NEXT TUESDAY 3/16/21

Here are the DEETS....


You will be getting the ZOOM INVITE + SYLLABUS in the next few days..YAY!

I had a great group for the Winter Semester and I’m very much looking forward the new AND returning students. I got such great feed back from the last group. Can’t wait to show up as a leader in health and wellness for marginalized ppl and also offer a virtual sanctuary for my BELOVED community. 

Let the healing begin

In case you missed it... be sure to sign up by my grandma’s bday 3/16/21.....

Enjoy some photos of my Grandma : )

My Grandfather, My Mom + Grandma seated

My Grandma’s work ID photo

Me my mom and Grandma at my cousin’s house for dinner in 2002 or  2003? Can’t remember

Mkay so here are the Registration Details:

Registrations closes next week  Tuesday 3/16/21 <

To participate in any of the upcoming spring classes please
register here :
Also I’d like to pitch that if you are not a person of color and you’d like to support the scholarship fund please send me a message

Once you Register AND send your deposit this secures your spot in each class.

Use the note “ Spring Hatha Yoga Sessions”

* All Sales Are Final
Venmo @HathaHolisticWellness
CashApp $HathaHolistic
PayPal ( Friends + Family Option Please)

Dear White Folks,
Thank you for all the white folks ( mostly senior Iyengar Yoga teachers in San Francisco )in my circle who have contributed to make it easier for People of Color to attend my classes since the beginning of the Pandemic. I value your generosity.
If you are one of my white followers it’d be great to have you contribute so that POC students can attend on scholarship.
Thank you....
Send an email if you’d like to contribute to the scholarship fund.
*Anything* helps -
Send an email here for next steps - @Hatha Holistic
Please meet Sanura who was a scholarship recipient for the Winter Sessions that just end this week. It was such a pleasure to have her participate and know that money was not a barrier. 

How has yoga and meditation impacted your life?
Yoga and meditation has impacted my life by allowing me to intentionally set time aside to be present. Working in corporate America for the last few years had me stressed out and unable to slow down to hear my own thoughts and bodily needs. I was always on the go with little time to connect with my inner self and body so having time to move and heal my spirit has been very rejuvenating. I’m also learning to appreciate the value of stillness which is what I have incorporated into my daily morning routine.

Tell us about your experience in the Back Health for Black Folks class in the Fall and then taking all of the classes on the roster for Winter 2021.

I loved the back health class and really felt the difference after each class, so when I would do the exercises on my own I felt well equipped to heal my back pain with certain poses and stretches. Taking all the classes in the winter was also amazing for me, I really loved the variety of classes that were offered and how they created different spaces for different kinds of movement. The intro to hatha class was more dynamic whereas the restorative class for women of African decent was very healing and just what I needed after a long day. The community that is cultivated and the information that Misia shares is very valuable and I appreciate her wisdom and insight as I continue on my yoga journey. 

How did you hear about Hatha Holistic and Misia's classes?
I heard about Hatha Holistic and Misia through a non-POC yogi friend who had heard great things about Misia’s offerings in DC. I’m so grateful that my friend told me about Misia’s classes because I have had so many opportunities to take time out of my week to focus on grounding and moving my body. I always look forward to my classes with Misia and her weekly emails are full of valuable  knowledge on yoga and black culture which are fun to read! Misia and I also got to geek out on permaculture which she has experience with and I am just getting started on. She’s very caring and always ready to help and support me with my needs, both in and out of the zoom room! <3 


If you are a person of color who needs a scholarship please let me know. If you are able to pay with out any trouble please do. Otherwise I will look into securing more funds for people of color that need help paying for classes.

See you in class.

Here is a list of all the SPRING SEMESTER offerings : )
Registration Closes Tuesday 3/16/21

The Spring Semester of Hatha Yoga + Wellness classes is OPEN for REGISTRATION.
Each class is Limited to  8 participants.

There are 4 Slots open for my Private Sessions for Transformative Journey to Holistic Health + Wellbeing and for these private sessions I only have Monday slots available for now.

The INTRO Series is  FULL..If you wanna join the waiting list lemme know...xoxo******

* THIS CLASS IS SUITABLE for anyone who identifies as a BLACK WOMAN. Perfect for Beginner + Seasoned Yoga Practioners! 

Registration to participate in any class ends TONIGHT Tuesday March 16 2021. 
Space is limited to 8 participants in each class.

Here is the Registration Form:


If you have any questions send me a message please...okay???

Love Ya’ll xoxoxo!

Happy Women’s Herstory  Month!

See you soon. 


IG : HathaHolisticWellness
Twitter: @HathaHolistic
Medium - “The Moon Blog” : @MisiaDenea
Soundcloud : Hatha Holistic Radio
YouTube Channel :
* Wednesday Wellness Playlist ( 100Videos)
Student Testimonials Playlist  

*All Sales Are Final
Venmo @HathaHolisticWellness
CashApp $HathaHolistic
*( Friends+ Family Option Plz!)

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