Hello Master <<First Name>>,
Does it feel like spring to you?

Actually - what, for you, is spring?
My own usual associations would go to waking up, new opportunities, new excitement…
Although, if I want to be honest (well, sure I want)
my thoughts right now are still in the anniversary side of these days –
where I was and what I did at this time, last year.

Today, when I’m writing this words, for example,

is March 17;

I think I would never forget that heavy silence I woke up into.

After at midnight, just before St. Patrick’s Day,
the pubs and the restaurants were shut down,
and the real lockdown started.
I’m having goose bumps and my breath is suddenly shallow writing these words.
And then, this absolute silence in the morning.
On one of the busiest intersections in downtown Toronto.
And then, the sharp understanding that – this is it.
This is how things are going to be from now on, this is the normal.

And then, and then…

And my huge good fortune of having my family here just a week before,
I’m still convinced that they left with the last plane to Israel...

Well, for sure it was one of the last ones.  

"The pub", sweet second home      | Photo by Shelley Lewis

Ok, I really intended to write about

the connection I make between my Chinese medicine practice,
and the emotional-mental-mind-soul work we do together.
But the email apparently had different plans - - -
and just composed itself.

So, next time, if it allows me (-:

In the meantime, just a word about spring:

Which is such an excellent time for body cleanse and detox,
if you thought of doing something like this – act on this bloomy opportunity!
There are so many ways and approaches,
if you want to go simple - just take this time to:
  • Eat healthy, on reasonable times, medium amounts   
  • Exercise regularly - even if it's short
  • Breath fresh air outside in waking up nature (yes, the park under your building counts - just get out, and stand there by the trees  <3  )
  • Make sure you have a good night sleep
  • Take care of inner stories and clear and relax your mind
  • And come to everything from deep presence, honesty, connection and generosity

Try it for a week, and see what happens.
Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

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