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NMF Weekly: Ask Your Math Friend James

NMF Weekly Puzzle Newsletter
Issue #19, March 2021  ·

Thanks for subscribing to the NMF Weekly Puzzle Newsletter from the National Math Festival. James would love to tackle a math puzzle topic or request from your family or classroom. To ask a question, you can use the link on the website, reply to this email (make sure to include your child's first name or the school name), or tag @jamestanton on Twitter!
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In NMF Weekly Issue #19, Naren asks the very timely question: where does π come from? (That's pi, the number that famously starts with 3.14..., not pie, which we hope some of you enjoyed over the weekend!) James shares some history and of course, some puzzles you can ponder at home! (Perhaps over a slice of cake this time.)
Get the new NMF Weekly issues or send a question to James
Direct Links: NMF Weekly Issue #19 (PDF) and Issue #19 Solutions (PDF)
The NMF Weekly is written by Dr. James Tanton, and brought to you by The Young People's Project, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), the National Math Festival, and the Global Math Project.
Festival Organizers: MSRI · IAS · MoMath
The National Math Festival is a program of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), in cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) and the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath).

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