Families can access the report cards website two ways:
Students can access their own report cards by logging in with their user ID and password: User ID is 7 digit student number (ex 1234567) and password is birthmonthdayyear (ex 01152011 for Jan 15, 2011)
Parents can access their student's report card, PIN can be requested by selecting "Request a PIN" on the report cards website. A PIN can be sent to the email address or mobile phone number of a parent/guardian
We are doing great - lets keep those donations coming in! eLearner families can drop off donations anytime at the table located outside the main building doors.
Please label items are labeled with your homeroom teacher for elementary or leadership house for middle
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our school is continuing to implement the Leader in Me leadership program, it teaches 21st-century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader.
Our school will be conducting surveys to learn more about key areas of strength and areas of needed growth in our school. In order for us to have a holistic picture of what is going on in our school, we are asking all full-time staff members, parents/guardians, and students in Grade 4 and up to participate.
Parent Participation
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey (without sharing your name or other identifying information) that will be available through the web link below. The survey is completely voluntary, but we do hope to get feedback from one member of every household. The parent/guardian survey takes about 12 minutes to complete and will ask questions about your child and about his or her experience in our school. If you have more than one child attending the school, you will be asked to think about the oldest child's experiences as you answer questions related to his or her growth.
Please complete the survey by: Sunday, April 11, 2021
Caps for Kids Day at Lutz Prep and Lutz Pre-Prep
We love our learning community and appreciate the care we show when we support each other. One of our incredible 7th graders is currently battling leukemia. She is on the waitlist for Caps for Kids to receive her own autographed cap from the celebrity of her choice. For more information about that program please see the attachment.
We want to demonstrate our support for her, her family, and other children battling cancer. We are hosting a Caps for Kids day at Lutz Prep on Thursday, April 29, 2021.
We would love to see the whole school community participate for an individual $1.00 donation per student. You may donate virtually at the website Caps for Kids created (see link below) or you may have your child bring in a donation in an envelope to give to their classroom teacher. Our goal is to have our on campus and eLearning students all contribute to display our love and kindness to this wonderful 7th grader who calls Lutz Prep her home. Thank you for your support and generosity.
Date to wear school appropriate cap: Thursday, April 29th
Ways to donate:
CLICK HERE for LP virtual collections for Caps for Kids via their website
Bring money in an envelope to give to your child’s teacher
See read this for full details regarding Caps for Kids.
As we are in the second half of the school year, we want to inform you of some key information regarding upcoming spring assessments. While we are still waiting for additional communication from the state and district to share with families, we wanted to send a quick note to help prepare as best we can.
As we know, we are in a school year like no other. The term “tentative” has never better described the upcoming testing months of April and May. Please be aware that while the state and district provides us with testing “windows” and proposed dates, they can change based on various factors. State and district modifications, unforeseen technology issues, and internal scheduling at Lutz Prep can all play a factor in altering testing dates and times. While we make every attempt to communicate with families, teachers, and our students in order to be best prepared, we appreciate your flexibility, understanding, and patience during this time. In addition, please note that during testing windows attendance and punctuality is important; please limit scheduling appointments and early sign-outs.
FSA & EOC Parent Notification Letters
Please click on the respective grade level links below for FSA Informational Letters that will be sent home with students on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. For future reference regarding FSA please continue to monitor the NEWSFLASH.
3rd-6th Grades:Grade 3, 4, 5, or 6 ELA Writing/ELA Reading/Mathematics Assessment
7th-8th Grade: Grade 7 or 8 ELA Writing/ELA Reading/Mathematics and/or Algebra 1/Geometry/Civics End-of-Course EOC Assessments
*Note: eLearning Familieswill receive further communications on their testing plan.
**TENTATIVE** Testing Plan **Reminder: These timelines are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time** **Revised 3/24/2021**
*Specific dates and additional updated information will be provided as we get closer to testing windows*Please visit the Florida Department of Education's Florida Statewide Assessments Portal
The portal provides access to general information about the Florida Statewide Assessment Program and links to other Florida resources to include practice tests, frequently asked questions, testing resources, etc.
Leader in Me Family Activity for April
Discounted PDQ Cards for Sale ($10 Card for only $7) Lutz Prep has partnered with PDQ to enhance the education of our LP students. PDQ has allotted Lutz Prep a limited number of $10 gift cards that are available for purchase for only $7. We are pleased to sell these cards at a 30% discount to our Lutz Prep families & friends. These cards are good at all PDQ locations and do not expire!
Sales begin March 29th and end when the inventory of cards is depleted. All proceeds raised from the sale of these gift cards will go directly back to our school for programs that benefit our children.
It's simple:
Complete the form linked below detailing the amount of cards requested and amount paid. Limit is 10 cards per family due to the limited supply.
Attach payment to this form.
Return to your homeroom teacher.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Diana Jenkins at diana.jenkins@lutzprep.org.
Click HERE for a printable order form.
Three Wellness Questions to Discuss as a Family Daily BEFORE Leaving for School
We are relying on our families to be good citizens in our community in our efforts to keep everyone healthy and safe. Click HERE to view our COVID-19 Protocol
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 we are requesting that parents immediately report this to the school via the following online form (even overnight and/or weekends).This will allow our step-by-step mitigation process to begin with contact tracing and notification to all students/staff that may have been potentially exposed. Thank you for your partnership in helping us keep all of our students and staff healthy.
This button is also linked on the pop up box on www.lutzprep.org