The Tuesday Morning Bible Study will meet at 9:30am to read and discuss 1st Corinthians 8-9. 

Come in person (wearing a mask) to the sanctuary, or join online via Zoom at this link:
Devotion for Monday, April 5th

by Nancy C.
Our Cross after Worship 
Easter Sunday, 2021
Dear WPPC Friends,
Wow, what a beautiful day it was and I am feeling really, really blessed!
I took my own Lenten challenge and wrote down something or multiple things I am thankful for every day for forty days. I also tried to reach out to someone everyday with a card, text or phone call and I did the Daily Practice in my favorite seasonal book, “Pauses for Lent” by Trevor Hudson. It was a nice addition to my daily devotional time, helped me practice prayer as Emile encouraged us to do earlier this year and it really added purpose for me. The culmination of Holy Week and all the beautiful services we have been blessed with have overwhelmed me with thankfulness and a feeling of being hugged by our church family.
Our Steadfast Love Devotion book, by Henri J.M.Nouwen, said Tuesday, the Fourth Week of Lent, “The Word became flesh not only to save us from the consequences of our hopelessly flawed human nature. Jesus also came to serve us-cleaning our soiled hearts, renewing our troubled minds and refreshing our weary spirits. Jesus washed his disciples’ feet as an example for all of his followers. Our role and goal in life is not to be served but to live as servants of one another.”
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
As we read on Palm Sunday, Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest! Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you”, he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:38-40 (NIV)
Today we came together on-line, in person, by text, by phone, or in spirit to shout “Alleluia! Christ the Lord is Risen!”
I would like to say thank you to our amazing Winter Park Church leaders for all they do for us in a million different ways! I doubt if we would have weathered the pandemic near as well without all their faith,encouragement and constant efforts to make us feel safe and loved.
He is Risen and I am so thankful,

Nancy C

David Crowder wrote this song in response to 2020 - I am sure we can all relate and today seemed the perfect day to share it with all of you!
"Good God Almighty"
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