Duke President Vincent E. Price on Thursday told a virtual summit that the university is “working harder than ever to support every member of the Duke community, regardless of their immigration status.”
Using International House surveys of Duke international students, faculty and staff, Christian Gomez writes about "5 Ways to Help International Students Navigate COVID Anxiety."
Albulenë Kastrati was a Fulbright visiting scholar during the 2019-2020 academic year. She wrote about her experiences at Duke for the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo. "Duke is a profoundly international campus, so the opportunity to meet and learn from people from all over the world was everywhere," Kastrati writes.



Undergraduate and Graduate Funding Opportunities
The Duke University Center for International & Global Studies is offering research and training awards for both undergraduate and graduate students. Application deadline is Friday, April 2, 2021.  Undergraduates link  |  Graduates link

Registration for Duke Graduate Academy Summer Session
The Duke Graduate Academy offers online short courses that introduce Duke graduate and professional students and postdoctoral fellows to skills, tools and knowledge that augment their regular coursework and research. These short courses help emerging scholars prepare for high-level research, innovative teaching, leadership and/or public engagement. Classes are offered May 17-28 and June 7-18, 2021.  Learn more.

Expansion of Interview Waiver Eligibility
The U.S. State Department has temporarily expanded the ability of consular officers to waive the in-person interview requirement for individuals applying for a nonimmigrant visa in the same classification. The expiration period is temporarily extended to 48 months. This policy is in effect until December 31, 2021.  Learn more.
The ThisIsDuke Instagram captured the Japanese Cultural Club at Duke Gardens during their Hanami, the traditional Japanese custom of enjoying the cherry blossoms and celebrating the beginning of spring.
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