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Sharing spring-blooms (blog posts) from my garden (website) 

Hello, <<First Name>>! Oof, Greetings -- it's me-- right on April 1st.

I'm so glad I achieved this fete and to be right here with you with warm salutations at the beginning of this gorgeous new month where the temperature is finally constant.

Up until a week ago, I'd sit at my desk in the evenings, listening to the wind howling to itself -- swooshing through tree branches, bumping them against each other, and making the new green grass dizzy. Yes, dizzy, I tell you-- I could hear the swishing of their frilly frocks and the shrill sound of their giddy laugh-- dizzy.

I'd hear that wind, shake my head, and wonder when it'd let go of its grip on the thermostat.

But then the next day, I'd find Wind asleep next to a warm puddle of sunlight, letting the sun caress it and whisper sweet nothings in its ear. I'd shake my head again and smile. 

I realize this is a yearly battle that takes place between the elements until placated. And so now, Sun has tamed Wind, and the result is serenity once again. I love it. 

Call it something age-related, or call it awareness, mindfulness, but on the topic of the weather, there is one poem from the list above that I wish to call to your attention. Meaning, that if you're short on time (I cannot expect you to have time to read all the posts I've worked on this month) -- no, dearie, I don't expect you to. What I'm doing here by putting it all in one place, is making it easy for you to locate. So, if you have time for just one poem, please click on For This is How Winter Peacefully Slips Away. *wink* That one came about from the points I talk about in this newsletter. I really enjoyed writing that poem. Please give it a read.

In next month's newsletter, I'll abstain from posting a list like that. The reason-- April is national poetry month and for this entire month of April, I intend to publish one poem a day.  So, if all goes as planned, that will come to thirty published articles for April. I love me a good challenge, so that's what will become of me. Wish me well, <<First Name>>. 


And how are you, really? Hit reply to this letter and tell me, please.
As for me, well, I want to report that just like the wind let go of its grip on us, vertigo has also decided to let go of its stint with me. For good, I hope (knock on wood). I'm back to doing the things I usually do and have resolved to spend more time outdoors in idle pursuits as the earth laughs. 


"The earth laughs in flowers." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



The announcements I have for you are as follows:
- My sweet mother-in-law, the grandmother to my two sons, has finally been put to rest. Because of the times we're living in, we carried everything out in small gatherings. Bless her heart-- she deserved more and is already missed dearly.

- We had a wedding in the family, and now I am the proud mother-in-law of a lovely young lady. I cannot help it, but I see a beautiful continuation of life force at work here. I thank God for this.

-  The book I wish to recommend to you this month is by a dear friend of mine, Danie Botha. He's the author of the poetry book, Two Bowls of Joy that I gladly recommended to you last year, An Unfamiliar Kindness, I mentioned as a real gem the year prior. His writing style is one I admire.

The novel I'm recommending today -- Be Bold -- is the third book in a series of historical action-adventure stories by Danie Botha. Be Bold is preceded by Be Good, a novella; Be Silent, a novel. 

Be Bold, a historical action-adventure, is a coming of age story during the tumulous 1960s in apartheid South Africa. Danie brings his characters to life with finesse and lovely prose, and the reader gets immediately immersed in a world that demands more than courage. 

Be Bold will be available on Amazon on April 16th, 2021, and for TEN DAYS (16th - 26th), the eBook will be available for only US$0.99

Kindly click on the link that will take you to Danie's website, where you can get a peek at the prologue of Be Bold and judge the book for yourself. 

So, my lovelies, from my end, this is all for this month. Remember how April was a sleepy head last month? Well, she's not that any more-- April's fully awake and in control now. So get ready to see our earth and its creatures, great and small, come out to play in the lushness of the season. Happy Easter. 
Thanks for reading, and as always, I wish you miracles. Selma. 


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