April 1, 2021

Easter is always a delight, even my favorite holiday. Easter is a celebration of life--beauty, creativity, joy, excitement and delight. Resurrection-power has all this. The crucifixion of Jesus by the political and religious authorities is almost to be expected. Jesus would not submit to them despite their counsel, criticism and warnings. The miracle of his resurrection was God's "yes" to their "no." So the resurrection is an assertion of hope: the energy of life, the creativity of love, and endless joy. 

Let us join together on-line this Sunday at 10 a.m. to be together amidst the pandemic as an assertion of solidarity and hope.

The antithesis of Easter joy is the pain and lamentation of Good Friday, which remembers the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. As the Rev. John Buchanan extolled his former congregation every Palm Sunday: "If you're not here Friday, don't bother coming on Sunday," -- aside from his cheekiness, he's saying how can you know the joy if you haven't felt the pain. 

This year Marijim and the section leaders take us through the emotional color of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus in special music and a reading of the story told by the apostle John. 

Prayer is a key to preparation and here is a great resource of prayers for the one-year anniversary of the pandemic that has taken so many elderly and others. You can directly download the coloring pages and prayers here:

May the Lord keep your going out and coming-in. 
Peace and joy, 

Pastor Keith
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