#Seaspiracy is trending and it is not surprising why.  I tried being objective while watching it, and like many, I was distressed by the images, the narrative. But let's face it, no matter how much progress we have made as an industry, it is not difficult to make our industry look awful, especially when the final message is "Stop. Eating. Fish," as if that was the solution to all.

That right there is PRIVILEGE. What a privilege to say "stop eating fish," and have the CHOICE to do so, to have options at your local retail store to support your new dietary needs. We all know and understand that this is not the reality many fishermen and water farmers in remote areas have. Thus, in an 1:29 min, this "documentary" sought to unravel all that is wrong with our industry, and disregards the 3 billion people depending on seafood for their protein intake, or the other millions that depend on this industry for their livelihoods.

I am glad to see our industry responding and engaging in this conversation. There have been several articles written to set the record straight, but more needs to be done to reach the main consumers in the same way Netflix has. We need to find a CHAMPION to tell our story of improvements and achievements to reach the masses. 

Now that Seaspiracy has proven that shock and awe makes for a good "documentary" and apparently anyone can just throw something together with half facts and let it all unravel. This April Fools Day I would like to share with you a new trailer for 
#Planstpiracy, a mockumentary that seeks to lighten the mood, but also show how any industry is vulnerable to these types of sensationalized narratives. All you need is a compelling script, a movie trailer soundtrack, and images out of context. 

P.S. May be helpful to watc
h Seaspiracy trailer for full effect.  Enjoy! 
With Gratitude and Badassery!
                                         - Your favorite Seafood Ninja,  Adriana
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