April 2021 - Issue No 48
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April 2021 Newsletter


Welcome to our first newsletter of 2021 and our new quarterly publication.

We took a break for a few months over the Christmas and New Year period, so that we could focus on managing the business through lockdown three. And now we are back, with renewed energy to provide you with information and education to support your wellness journey.

2021 is actually a year of celebration for us, as Durham House Chiropractic Clinic turned 15 in January, so we take this opportunity to look back over the years as well as ahead to the future. 

Normally this month signifies Spring which is the time for new beginnings, fresh starts and a feeling of uplift after coming out of the Winter hibernation. As the country starts to slowly reopen and we reconnect again with friends and family, perhaps this is a chance for you to look at everything through new perspectives or make your own fresh starts.

One of the great things about Spring is getting active outside again - walking, hiking and running become enjoyable, as the days start getting longer and the weather warmer and brighter.

In this edition we kick off our 15th Anniversary with Part 1 of an article from owner Galin, who talks about the early years of Durham House. We look at intrinsic muscles in the feet and why they are important for balance. We look at why walking is good for you and signpost you to Walking For Heath, an organisation that focuses on offering group walks in our community.

Our Yoga Teacher and Studio Coordinator Sarah provides us with a rejuvenating Spring focused Yin Yoga class tutorial.

In a new feature we ask our practitioners to suggest ways to spend 15 minutes that might benefit your health and wellbeing. 

And we bring back one of our most requested recipes the Hot Cross Bun Bread Pudding! 


Message from Galin

These last few months have brought additional challenges for everyone, with most families, work environments and industries effected. We are so grateful that we were able to stay open and provide much needed relief to those in pain.   

Recently in our social media we were focusing on taking small mindful moments each day to consider gratitude. As I sit here now, I realise how lucky we are having weathered another lockdown storm and that all of the DH team stayed safe and well.

I want to take the opportunity to give thanks to our team of chiropractors who have put in extra hours to ensure we had availability for all our patients.

You may have noticed if you came into the clinic that we have no front desk administration staff in. We have been administering the clinic remotely and the team of admin staff have been fielding calls and emails and triaging appointments from their homes. This has enabled us to keep the business running and the clinics areas as free as possible so that we have space for social distancing. I want to thank the admin team for this flexibility and for staying connected to the business despite being separated away.

Our massage therapy team have done a great job of rescheduling their patients throughout the lockdown so if you had an appointment booked you will likely have spoken to one of them over the last few weeks.  It will be great to have them back soon.

It's been strange times, but I am pleased that we are still here, especially with this being an anniversary year for Durham House. It was our 15th Birthday on the 22nd of January. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone and how much has changed in those 15 years. 

Milestone anniversaries give us the opportunity to reminisce over the past and remind us of the journey we have made. Thank you to all those employees who have been part of this journey and for all of the patients that continue to support us. 

Best wishes



What's on at Durham House

The Clinics
Chiropractic treatments continue in both clinics and do so with COVID safety and well-being in mind.   


Massage Therapy
Our therapists are currently waiting in the wings to return to the clinic on the 12th of April (fingers crossed). We have reopened the online booking system and so you are now able to book directly into their diaries. If you would like to make an appointment and would prefer to speak to someone on the front desk, please call either of the clinic numbers and someone will assist you. 

Did you know we have a specific massage therapy web page?  You can find information on the different therapies we offer.

Front Desk Team
Will be returning to both the clinics on the 12th of April also.

The Studio
We are planning to re-open The Studio on Monday 17th May. Our timetable is still phased, and we continue to monitor all government recommendations and COVID secure measures to bring you a safe environment.  

 As a reminder of the types of classes we offer, please click on the link below.  We will communicate more information on this in due course. 

General Team News
In January a team of 8 DH staff took on one of the Conqueror challenges and walked the Route 66 Virtual Challenge, a 2,280-mile (3,669 km) road trip along the most iconic road network in the world. We set ourselves the target of 70 days and achieved it in 64 days, 6 days less than we planned. Working our way from Chicago to Los Angeles on this historic road, the team were busy walking dogs, pushing pushchairs, running, cycling and even orienteering to make up the miles. 
Did you know, an average person has a stride length of 2 to 2.5 feet that is 60 to 75cm. That means it takes around 2000 steps to walk one mile.  On our challenge the DH team collectively travelled around 35 miles per day, that is around 4.5 miles per person or 9000 steps per day.

As a bonus, the Conqueror challenge partnered with Eden Reforestation and each time we reached one of the milestones shown on the map Conqueror pledged to plant a tree to help restore healthy forests in locations around the world. We are proud that 5 trees were planted as reward for our efforts.

It was a fantastic way to support each other as a team and encourage each of us to keep moving.
Watch out for our next challenge!


Click Here for The Studio timetable
Celebrating 15 years - Part 1 

Celebrating 15 years - Part 1 of 3

2021 commemorates the 15th year that Durham House, the company I own, has been in business.
In this series of 3 articles, I'm taking some time to reflect on where it started, the journey to where we are right now, and where we are heading to next.

The early years
Having joined 1st Chiropractic Centres in 2003 as a motivated and hugely excited graduate of Surrey University. I spent two years working for 1st Chiropractic Centres and learning all I could about the chiropractic world and business. I learned quickly and soon felt I wanted to go out on my own and make my own mark in the industry.

I was offered the opportunity to buy the newly opened Fleet site. At the time I was already established with my own patient base there, and the Fleet practice held a special place in my heart. So, I jumped at the opportunity to continue on in Fleet and expand the newly opened clinic. I was really excited to be finally able to own my own practice.

My enthusiasm soon deflated somewhat when every bank I approached refused my application, citing that I was either too young or too inexperienced. As a last resort I approached my mother and asked if she could loan me the money to buy the premises and the goodwill from 1st Chiropractic Centres. She agreed and re-mortgaged her home to help me,  on the promise I would pay her back within 5 years. The deal was made and the contract signed.

On the 11th of January 2006 I became the proud new owner of Durham House Chiropractic Clinic in Fleet.

The original team consisted of Fifi-  who was the Practice Manager, Julie Jarvis- Sports massage practitioner, and me.
All of us were excited to be taking part in this new venture and opportunity.

Our first challenge arose during in the initial 6 months (and continued for the n
ext year), when we struggled with the planning department, having wanted to install an x-ray machine in the garage! For the following year I worked tirelessly, to pay the bills and my debt. My husband and I moved into the clinic and lived upstairs while I continued to work non-stop to build the clinic.

In part 2 we look at the opening of Farham clinic and The Studio

Walking For Health

In England, half of all adults are not active enough to benefit their health. This means that they are at risk of developing serious illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

The UK Chief Medical Officers say that adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity, like walking, every week. Kids should be active for an hour every day. But in England some studies have suggested that only 6% of men and 4% of women actually achieve this. One in three people don’t even manage 30 minutes a week. The simple fact is that getting active can save your life. We could prevent 37,000 deaths every year, just by taking a walk. Being active also slashes the risk of getting these serious diseases by 20-50%.

Walking for Health is England’s largest network of health walks with over 360 active walking schemes, helping people across the country lead a more active lifestyle. At a national level, the programme is delivered by The Ramblers, while at a local level our Walking for Health schemes are run in partnership with local councils, the NHS, and other voluntary groups. The common aim is to deliver free, not-for-profit health walks.

The walks are short and over easy terrain and are open to everyone but are especially aimed at those who are least active.
1,800 weekly walks are supported by around 5,000 friendly and specially trained volunteers who are on hand to provide encouragement and support, and make sure no one gets left behind. They currently reach on average 70,000 walkers, supporting them to experience the benefits of getting and staying active.
Many of the walkers start walking to improve their health, but find it easy to keep coming back because of all the new friends they’ve made. So, as well as all the physical health benefits, Walking for Health is also great for your social life!

To find out more check out the article attached or visit the website where you will find a postcode search facility to find your nearest walks.:  


Click Here to read Walking Works article
Intrinsic Muscles

The intrinsic muscles in your feet are small muscles that live in the main part of your foot and between your toes. Their main job is controlling the motion of the feet, holding up your arches and helping with balance.
They are very important for people who are on their feet a lot or do sports that require a lot of foot strength, such as ballet and rock climbing. They are also important for trail runners and hikers as they rely on foot sensation to keep their balance when on uneven surfaces. Aside from that, they are useful for anyone who uses their feet to stay upright (most of us!) particularly on slippery or uneven surfaces.

They also have a role in controlling the arch of the foot. This is like a natural shock absorber and reduces impact on the whole body whilst running or walking. Keeping them strong can protect every weight bearing joint in the body!

To learn more click on the article link below. 


Click here to read the article on intrinsic muscles
Click here to read our balance exercise suggestions

As the foundation for your entire body, your feet need to be healthy, balanced and correctly aligned.

Did you know we have a foot analysis service at Durham House using FootBalance technology? 

We can produce FootBalance Custom Insoles to support, cushion and balance your body. 

Click here to learn more about the benefit of Orthotics
If you have 15 minutes

Do you ever have an extra 15 minutes to spare before you need to leave the house and run errands or head to work? You might have noticed that there are several times in the week where you have 15 minutes of free time. 15 minutes a day, 7 days a week, adds up to 1hr 45 minutes of free time where you could accomplish something great.

What do you do with your extra 15 minutes? Maybe you turn to your favourite social media to fill that time. I must admit, I am guilty of doing that myself. However, what might it be like to use that time differently?

If you had 15 minutes, is our new feature where we ask our team for wellness tips they would give you to make the most of the time.
This newsletter we have input from chiropractors Elliot and Frida, who were asked what favourite exercises they would recommend for someone who had 15 minutes and wanted to keep some general all round mobility:
Reverse lunge
Wide knee squat
Snow angel
Prayer stretch with arm lift and thread the needle rotation

 Glute Bridge with wide knees
Dead bug
Golfers lifts
Side lunges
Mid back foam rolling
We shall be describing and demonstrating these on our Facebook and Instagram pages over the coming weeks, so make sure you check in with our social media regularly.

Mental Health and Well-being
We posed the same question to our Yoga teacher and Psychotherapist Vic and asked her what she would do in 15 minutes to improve mental health and well-being.

My suggestion would be to practice a pranayama or breathing exercise. 
My favourite one is a “square breath” which you can also practice as a visualisation.It is also referred to as box breathing, 4×4 breathing or a 4-part breath.

If possible, it is usually a good idea to sit in a chair with your back supported and both of your feet on the floor. Really feel the support of the chair and floor under you.

Begin by slowly exhaling all of your air out.
Then, gently inhale through your nose to a slow count of 4.
Hold at the top of the breath for a count of 4.
Then gently exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.
At the bottom of the breath, pause and hold for the count of 4.


If the image of a square works for you, you can imagine your breath and the pauses/holds in between the breath moving as a visualisation.
Square breathing can be useful in many situations, including: to
 calm yourself down when faced with stress or feeling overwhelmed, when you need to clear your head and reset, in a meeting at work, or before you go to sleep.

Our Yoga teacher Sarah brings us a Spring Yin Sequence for Energy and Detox
Perhaps you would like to try something restorative.

Spring is a time of renewal, welcoming the opportunity to begin again. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each season corresponds to different organs and their meridians — the subtle energy channels through which Qi flows. The liver and gall bladder are connected to the season of Spring.
Yin yoga is a combination of Yoga, Mindfulness and TCM. Yin is also a very meditative form of Yoga, so if you have a regular meditation practice it can be a useful tool throughout your practice or maybe a nice way to start to develop a meditation practice. However, if meditation is not for you, put on some music and take your mind away from the intensity of the poses.
Yin may look simple but simple does not mean easy and for most the greatest challenge is to just be still and breathe. The longer holds that we practice in Yin can be intense, so try to relax into the position, set a timer and sit with whatever comes up for you in the pose.
A Yin sequence also works into our fascia tissue deeply with the longer holds and deeper stretches, this hydrates the tissue and helps create more flexibility.

For the tutorial click on the link below.

Click Here for Yin Yoga tutorial for Spring
Massage Treatment Vouchers 

With massage therapy returning to the clinic perhaps you would like to treat yourself to a treatment, or buy as a gift.  
Vouchers are available to purchase 
in both clinics
For more information call:
Farnham: 01252 725 669 or Fleet: 01252 622 050

 or email

Sue Masters Holistic and Beauty

We are pleased to announce that Sue can fully re-open her treatment room from the 13th of April and is taking bookings. 
It's getting quite full so don't delay!  

Her workplace continues to be fully COVID secure and existing measures will continue to be in place to protect your health and well-being.

For bookings please contact Sue directly on 07876 353423

Sue Masters MFHT
 Certified Reflexologist and 
Holistic Therapist
Click here to see Sue's offer for April
Easter Recipe 

We have had more requests for this recipe over the years than any other! 
Here it is again: Hot Cross Bun Bread Pudding!

Like the chocolate bunny and the dyed eggs, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when people started this Easter tradition of making hot cross buns - sweet rolls studded with raisins or currants and marked with a cross on top - during the week leading up to Easter Sunday. It’s said the tradition started in the 12th century with a monk who was inspired to mark his rolls to celebrate Good Friday. 

Some say the tradition of baking bread marked with a cross is linked to paganism as well as Christianity. The pagan Saxons would bake cross buns at the beginning of spring in honour of the goddess Eostre - most likely being the origin of the name Easter. The cross represented the rebirth of the world after winter and the four quarters of the moon, as well as the four seasons and the wheel of life.

For whatever reason or belief you choose, we hope you get to enjoy a batch of hot cross buns whether it be for Eostre, Easter or the beginning of a much-awaited spring - enjoy! 

Download our recipe here
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