Blooming Palo Verdes on Ontario Court 
Well folks, it’s that time of year again when Ontario Court bursts forth with yellow blooms on their Palo Verde trees. These are the same trees that you see surrounding the Great Lawn at Sunnylands where those are in bloom right now as well.  Admission to the Sunnylands Visitor Center and Gardens is free, as is a stroll down Ontario Court.
The Ontario Court trees were primarily planted in a coordinated effort by the homeowners, though several were HOA replacements for old date palms which had been removed. There are some other blooming Palo Verdes scattered around Los Lagos and you might see if you can spot them, assuming the blossoms survive the Spring winds. Just look for the flowers in the street! 
Los Lagosian Awarded Top
 Indian Wells Honor 
We can all be proud that our Havasu Court neighbor Linda Blank has recently been awarded the annual Indian Wells Senior Inspiration Award ( for her volunteering and active engagement in Indian Wells. Linda has been involved in many aspects of city governance and community issues during her 13 years with us serving on the Community Activities and the Grants-in-Aid Committees among others, making many positive contributions to City life.
As she said: “What’s not to love about Indian Wells? Its beauty, tranquility, sense of community, mid-century architectural heritage and size make it an ideal place to visit, enjoy and savor.” Congratulations Linda!
The Gates of Los Lagos
If your “eyes are a window to your soul”, then maybe your gate is a window into the soul of your home. Many Los Lagos homeowners have replaced their original simple gates with diverse styles that reflect their individual tastes. Gates are a wonderful way to customize your home. Here are a few examples. The Architectural Committee encourages you to be creative!
Indian Wells Coyotes
Because of our proximity to the washes and mountains, coyotes do roam in our area and can be seen at times in the early morning or around dusk. They are generally not dangerous to humans and try to avoid us but can prey on small unattended pets. There are many food sources for them as they feed on rabbits, lizards, discarded tree fruit, garbage from unsecured garbage cans, discarded fast food, and unfortunately small pets.
Coyotes in residential areas usually roam solo, but can hunt in packs in the more open desert areas. There have been no reports of coyotes getting into our private yards, but they have been seen in our streets. Eight foot walls are no barrier to them since they can easily jump over them. So to be safe make sure to not leave pets unattended in your yards during the morning and evening hours.
Coyote in Yosemite, Photo By Yathin S Krishnappa, WikiPedia 
Directory Update
Updated versions of the eDirectory and mDirectory with some new email addresses and phone numbers, have been published.  

(For our new neighbors, the eDirectory has all the content of the printed directory, and is formatted to be read on a computer screen or tablet. The mDirectory is optimized to be read on a smartphone, and the content has been abbreviated.)

TIP – Some people download the eDirectory to their smartphones. On iPhones, use the Books app. On Android phones, use Google Docs. Once done, you can page through the directory and zoom in on the page you want. And you get all the content in the printed version – nothing is left out.

Printed Directory. We still have copies of the printed directory. To pick up a copy, call Ilayna at 760-346-5073 or Patrick at 360-774-0764.

New Procedure to download eDirectory and mDirectory

To keep our directories out of the hands of those who would steal the personal information contained therein, we have developed a new procedure for downloading the two electronic directories. It works like this:

1. The directories are now stored on an extremely secure site called

2. If you responded to a survey in February and elected to receive the electronic directories, watch for an email from You should get it no later than May 5th. Just follow the instructions in the email, and verify your email address. Then log in to Verifyle and download one of both directories. When a new directory is available, just login to Verifyle and download.

3. If you don't get an email by May 5th, it means we need to add you to our select list of those who want electronic directories. Just fill out this form, and ask to be added.

That's it. It's free, fairly simple and extremely secure. 
Welcome New Neighbors
Please welcome these newcomers to our community. The dates shown indicate when we were advised of the ownership change. 
Brian Presnail and LeeAnne Haar, 44045 Superior (2-19-21)
Jeff and Alice Liston, 44060 Superior (2-22-21)
Margaret (Peg) Cowman, 44285 Ontario (3-26-21)
Nick Ravo and Cindy Leverich, 44315 Michigan (4-2-21)
Daniel and Lynn Grebiel, 44080 Mohave (4-26-21)
Homes for Sale in Los Lagos
44037 Erie   $589,000

Source 4-28-21

A Message from Ilayna Turcott, HOA President

At 6:30 am April 24, Jim and I were walking the dogs and saw a coyote running east on Tahoe, then south and around the perimeter wall out onto Cook street. It looked like he’s done this before.

Hidden Palms, at Deep Canyon and Fred Waring – just on the other side of Colony Cove – have had a coyote sightings in their community at least twice in the past week. Be careful with your pets and please warn others if you see a coyote.

Have a safe and enjoyable summer, and stay away from coyotes.

Next Issue: October

Our hard-working writers head for the beach and the mountains for a much-needed break over the summer. Our next issue will be assembled in September and published October first. Have a wonderful summer.

Newsletter Contributors

Contributing Writers to This Issue
Terry Casella, Harris Demetre, Patrick Shannon, Ilayna Turcott
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LLIW website
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