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I know we welcomed spring last month, but the weather is definitely doing it’s best to challenge our kit choices for a bit of swim, bike and run.   

Next week will see our first ever Zoom AGM. Details are below on how to join and contribute to this key component of the club’s business. 
At the AGM we will also introduce the club plan and framework for the future; in taking things forward we will be looking for people with a certain set of skills, again details can be found below. 

With the relaxation of current restrictions and reopening of facilities we are incrementally seeing a restarting of our coached sessions. 
There will still be a need to remain COVID secure for these sessions and details on the updated programme are in the coaches section.

Unfortunately, the limited space in the vicinity of the beach hut, coupled with a need to remain considerate to our neighbours, means that the beach hut and sea swim sessions will commence only when social distance measures have been relaxed. We know how popular these sessions are and we are all keen to get these started as soon as we are allowed to do so. 

With races and training restarting you will obviously want to look your best, so don’t forget that the club Pactimo kit window is open for a little while longer and there are a full range of items for this crazy weather. 

Looking forward to seeing your faces at the AGM and hopefully at training or racing.  
Stay safe, keep smiling, keep moving. 

Alex Higgins
Chief of the Tribe


Portsmouth Triathletes Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Portsmouth Triathletes club will be held on

Friday 16 April 2021 at 1900 hours

(deferred from November 2020)


The meeting will be held online using Zoom

Join the meeting

Meeting ID: 826 1987 5150. Passcode: 379510

NOTICE OF AGM – Portsmouth Triathletes


In response to the pandemic in 2020 the AGM was rescheduled from November 2020 to April 2021 in the anticipation we would be able to meet in person. Given the continued challenges during this pandemic it is agreed the AGM will go ahead virtually on 16 April 2021.


The meeting is convened for the following purposes:

1. To receive the reports of the Management Committee Officers and Members and the accounts for the year ended September 2020.

2. To review and approve updated Constitution and Privacy policy

3. To elect or re-appoint to the following Officer positions of the club and committee members


Officers of the club





Welfare Officer

Covid Officer


Committee members

Membership Secretary                     Triathlon Development Co-ordinator

Communications Co-ordinator          Coaching and Training Co-ordinator

Social Secretary                                Junior Section Co-ordinator

Events Manager                                Swimming Co-ordinator


The quorum for AGM’s is ten per cent of adult members. Members who are unable to attend the AGM can notify the Secretary within 7 days of the AGM and nominate a proxy vote. One member can have a maximum of 5 proxy votes. Proxy votes will count towards the quorum of ten percent. Any member using proxy vote who then choses to join the meeting, can not vote again.


The election of Officers and Committee members will take place at the AGM only existing members (over 18 years) have the right to vote at the AGM. Current members of the club may make nominations for the Committee posts to be elected at the AGM.

This must be done by sending the nominees name, the post for which they are nominated and the names of both the proposer and seconder to the Club Secretary

Please do not nominate people to Committee posts without their express agreement. This should be received no later than Wednesday 14th April 2021; nominations are welcome for all positions.

If you have any other business that you feel is relevant to the AGM, then please note that this should be submitted for consideration to the Secretary, by e-mail, at least three days before the meeting.

Dated 1st March 2021                                 Secretary Portsmouth Triathletes






(deferred from November 2020)


Join the meeting.

Meeting ID: 826 1987 5150. Passcode: 379510



1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the 2019 AGM

3. Matters arising from the above minutes

4. Reports from club officers and committee members (to include a statement on the 2019/20 club accounts from the Treasurer)

5. Affiliations Update – Secretary

6. Membership Fees 2020/21 – Treasurer to propose

7. Election of Club Officers and Committee Members: Secretary – Nominations are for the following roles

Officers of the Club Committee Members

Chairman                    Membership Secretary

Vice-Chairman            Communications Co-ordinator

Secretary                    Coaching and Training Co-ordinator

Treasurer                     Swimming Co-ordinator

Welfare Officer             Junior Section Co-ordinator

Triathlon Development Co-ordinator

Social Secretary

Events Manager


8. Any other business (only items previously reported to the Secretary will be considered)


9. Close

Secretary Portsmouth Triathletes


A few words from the Secretary

A bit more about the AGM

As you will see elsewhere in this newsletter (and on the website) we will be holding the AGM on Friday 16th April at 7pm. We had hoped when it was postponed in November that we would be able to meet face to face, but sadly this can’t happen, but we still look forward to seeing you all on Zoom.

We still need enough people to join us to make it quorate and we will be voting on an updated Constitution and Privacy policy. Drafts of the updated documents are available on the website so please do read them before the meeting.


Portsmouth Triathletes AGM - Zoom Etiquette

We are excited to see our members at the first Portsmouth Triathlete Zoom AGM.

For this to work well we need to make sure that we follow some simple steps.


You can join the meeting using this link:

Maximum number is 100. If you live in the same house as another member, please only use one login. Thank you.

Checking we are quorate.

We will need to capture all attendees who are members of the club. You will be asked to add you name and the name of any members with you in the chat.

During the meeting

1. Please make sure that you are on mute unless asking a question.

2. Please turn your camera on when speaking

3. Please raise your hand when you have a question or pop it in the chat.

4. Please do not record, screenshot or photograph the zoom session.

During voting

1. Please be patient while we carry out any voting required.

2. For election of officers prospective candidates must be proposed and seconded by two members of the Club. This will be carried verbally.

3. For areas where we require a majority vote we will ask all those who can and wish to support any proposal, to raise their hand using the function on Zoom. Where there is more than one person using the same account, we will make our way round the virtual room to gather other votes.

Following the recent articles on the clubs future and development there follows a request for skills and support to put the words and vision into actions. If you can help, there is an email address to make contact. Thank you - Ed. 

COVID Update - 31st March

Here is the latest from BT

Return to play – British Triathlon

Our documentation can be found on our website.

Please ensure that you adhere to the guidelines as well as the updated Code of Conduct - thank you



Coaches Corner

Updates from Lesley and Jo

April message from your Coaches

Pools/Leisure Centres will be open for swimming from 12th April, the BTF’s Roadmap out of lockdown does not allow Adult Coached sessions until 17th May so until then you need to swim your own sets. Let me know if you some ideas.

Message from Jo Lovell

Turbo Tuesday

Well, it has been more than a year since we moved our winter cycle training out of the Mountbatten Centre Spinning studio and into your personal pain cave.

I have really enjoyed trying out this new way of delivering training and the sessions have kept me focused and connected to the Tribe. We would usually finish the sessions and move onto the road about this time of year and with the change in restrictions it looks like outdoor activities with friends will be a reality. In preparation for this Turbo Tuesday will be finishing for the summer on Tuesday 20th April.

You will see information in this Newsletter about Time Trials which could be that replacement for the sweaty hard work that turbo sessions are.

I’m looking forward to seeing the results of all that hard work over the winter in your racing efforts.

Message from Lesley Quiney

Short Break

Due to the Easter Break I will be taking a short holiday from the ZOOM sessions; they will start again Monday 26th April.


Starts again Monday 26th April at 7pm – S&C gluts and core - Lesley

Last one Tuesday 20th April at 7pm - Turbo Tuesdays – Jo

Starts again Wednesday 28th April 7pm – Dry-Land swim exercises - Lesley


ZOOM Links for these sessions can be found on the Facebook forum or message myself (Lesley) for the S&C & Dry-Land session or Jo Lovell (Turbo) for the links and we will send them to you direct.


QE Park XC Run session will start again Saturday 3rd April, our numbers are limited and all those attending must pre-register so please do get in touch if you wish to join us.

If you ran with us last year, we will be resurrecting the ‘QE Park Run’ messenger group so that communication is easier, if you wish to join us then let me (Lesley Quiney) know and I will add you to the group. A new return to running form will need to be completed and returned to me before the first session. Numbers are restricted so please do not just turn up without prior contact.


From 29th March you can start training in groups of 6 if you practice the correct social distancing protocols, please make sure you adhere to the BTF’s and Government guidelines and stay safe.


Cycling Time trials

Jo Lovell is really excited. And do you know why?

The changing of the rules and lighter evenings open up the opportunities to evening cycling time trials. There is no better way to develop your speed on a bike or to test race conditions for cycling. It is fun and exciting. Just pick the race that best suits you and you’re training. If you are training for half IM then 25 and 50 mile time trials are your distance but the 10s are great as a week in week out race pace effort. Brilliant to develop racing strategy and are very reasonably priced to enter. See for details of how to start, or chat to other club members.

Portsmouth Triathletes is a member of the Cycling Time Trials Council (CTT) and South DC (South District Council) so you are in an affiliated club.

The main clubs which put on races locally are: Portsmouth North End Cycle Club (PNECC): Hampshire Road Club (HRC): ...a3crg: Southdown Velo (SV): Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club (FWCC):

Evening races happen Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday but then there are also weekend events. See for details.

If racing on the road fills you with worry, some of the events are on the Goodwood road circuit.

A local series adds extra fun; The South DC Sporting TT Series see


If you are still not sure about being out and racing or want to ease in gradually why not try one of the online options? Both Zwift and RGT are online cycle racing gaming platforms. Each with different requirements. and

Beach Hut - Andy Elder

 There is no change to last months status on the beach hut - Ed

The club are currently in discussion with PCC Seafront Services about how and when we can restart our sea swimming sessions from the beach hut. This will not be possible before the government’s final lockdown restrictions are removed. We hope to be able to update club members on our new arrangements around June 2021. In the meantime our beach hut at 14 St. George’s Road remains closed.

Andy Elder - Treasurer

Editors notes....

I am happy to receive members adverts and I will insert at the end of the newsletter. I reserve the right to put in what is relevant for the club - thanks - Ed

I am happy to receive any relevant articles for inclusion. Please ensure that photos sent to me are respecting the social distancing rules.

I plan to do a Newsletter every month and the timings will be as follows.

End of week1 I will ask on Facebook for input and there will be a 2 week window.

By around the end of the month  the window will close.

I will then publish hopefully in the 1st week of the month.

You can send articles to me on direct


Portsmouth Triathletes Privacy Statement
The Portsmouth Triathletes club respects the personal information provided to us by our members. 
The club will only retain personal information of members for the specific purpose it has been provided. The club will not pass, or sell on, the personal information it holds on it members. The club will ensure that any other party, approved by the club, which collects and retains the personal information of club members’ does so for the specific purpose required by the club. This can include on-line membership and race entry information. 
The club will manage the data it holds on its members in accordance with the 2018 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
If you have any queries or wish to make a complaint in respect of the way the club manages the data its holds on its members please contact the Club Secretary at 
Copyright © 2021 Portsmouth Triathletes, All rights reserved.

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