Dear Reader,
Welcome to the first Talking Hands newsletter of 2021. We have a lot of updates around Talking Hands and the New Hope for the Deaf. Enjoy the reading!
Greetings, Talking Hands
The schools in Uganda are open again
The graduating classes were already allowed to return to school in November 2020 and their exams are taking place at the end of March; we keep our fingers crossed for them! Since the end of January, two weeks after the Ugandan elections, all schools in Uganda are now allowed to reopen. Because the New Hope School for the Deaf remains closed until land is purchased and new school buildings are built, the students we financially support with the New Hope go to two different elementary schools. Also, the girl who attends the secondary school for the deaf through financial support is back in school.
Because of Corona, many parents have financial problems, therefore no contribution for school fees is requested from the parents at this time. Before COVID-19, this contribution was always adjusted to the parents' financial means and was a rather small amount. Parents of the students brought their children to school themselves but when this was not financially feasible, employees of the New Hope have picked up these students and brought them to school. We are happy that after a whole year the children can finally go back to school!
The pupils of the last class of elementary school (P7) supported by Talking Hands and The New Hope for the Deaf
Do you have ideas for fundraising activities? Please contact us via Facebook or e-mail. You can also donate money to our bank account with IBAN NL 74 RABO 0301 2992 50 on the name of "Stichting Talking Hands". Many thanks in advance!
The 7th grade students are thanking you!
Land Acquisition
The New Hope has found a suitable piece of land that meets all the requirements for building a school; it is a large piece of land, easily accessible from the street, it is possible to build a well, the land is fertile and ideal for setting up a vegetable garden. There are still some obstacles, because land rights in Uganda are very complex. When measuring the land it became clear that there are people who have user rights for two small parts of the land. Currently, New Hope is in negotiations with the seller and the people with the land rights. We hope that New Hope will succeed in buying this piece of land soon!
Andrew and Comfort searching for a suitable piece of land
New board New Hope
Our partner organization New Hope for the Deaf has a new board. Andrew is the chairman of this board and he has 1,5 years of experience working for the New Hope. Andrew grew up with the deaf, is fluent in sign language and knows the deaf community well. Babra is a secretary on this board. She has studied 'Community Based Rehabilitation' and speaks sign language very well. She has worked with deaf children before and currently works for the 'Mpigi Persons with Disabilities Union'. Sabrina is treasurer and has studied 'Management-Accounting'. Sabrina is deaf herself and is well integrated into the Ugandan deaf community and has experience working with different organizations. Talking Hands is very much looking forward to working with the new board of the New Hope for the Deaf!
The new board of the New Hope for the Deaf
New Policy Plan
Every three years Talking Hands writes a new policy plan. Writing the policy plan is one of the conditions to keep the ANBI status (general benefit institution). The policy plan describes, among other things, how Talking Hands wants to achieve its objective, the policy and the future vision of the foundation for the period 2021-2023. The new policy plan is also available on our website (in Dutch only). In addition, the annual reports are also available on the Talking Hands website.
Online board meeting of the Talking Hands Foundation
The work we do in Uganda is very important! We would therefore like to ask you kindly to support us. To help us secure the future of our projects, we are especially happy with a monthly donation, but of course all contributions are very welcome! You can donate to Talking Hands Foundation, IBAN: NL74 RABO 0301 2992 50
Appeal for donations
With schools reopening in Uganda, the foundation is spending more money. We expect that this summer it will again be impossible or there will be only limited options to sell crafts at festivals, fairs and events. Selling crafts is normally a large part of Talking Hands' income and this has hardly been possible in 2020 due to COVID-19.
For 2021, it is likely that few crafts will be able to be sold either. In addition, the process surrounding the land acquisition will also lead to additional expenses. Therefore, it remains financially difficult for Talking Hands. We would be very happy with an additional contribution for those who can afford it, for example by making a one-time donation or a monthly contribution. Thank you very much! And are you still looking for a birthday gift? Perhaps it would be nice to ask for a donation to Talking Hands as a gift!
Talking Hands and partner organization New Hope for the Deaf are delighted with any donation!
Counseling at home during Corona
There are few confirmed Corona cases in Uganda, but nevertheless many measures were and are in place for over a year. These measures have a great impact on the population, as many people in Uganda work in the informal sector and do not have a reliable source of income. This is also the case for many families of the deaf students, and many people have lost their jobs and source of income which has increased poverty. In addition, last year sign language classes for family members and skills training for the children could not take place.
During the 10 months that the schools were closed, it was not easy for many students at home; there were frequent communication problems and misunderstandings. A number of parents divorced and some pupils had to move. Our partner organization New Hope for the Deaf has had regular contact with the students and their families. New Hope has been able to support in improving communication, conflict management and helped with reminding the families of the needs and rights of the deaf child. In addition, The New Hope was able to support the students by distributing learning materials so that the students could continue their education at home.
A scholar with learning materials to study at home
Flying in crafts from Uganda
We are looking for someone who will soon fly from Uganda to Europe and could bring some crafts in his or her luggage. We find it no problem to pay for an extra suitcase. Sending crafts from Uganda as a package is very expensive and also unreliable, therefore it is a better option for us if someone can bring crafts by plane. Of course, we are happy to offer you a number of new designs from the webshop for free in exchange.
Are you flying from Uganda?
Update Website & Webshop
The board members are currently busy preparing a new website and webshop for Talking Hands. Talking Hands will be technically assisted and supported in this process by Your Future Academy. The website will be updated with new information and a new layout. The purpose of the new website is to get friends and donors of the foundation more involved and to provide the latest updates of the work and ongoing activities. The webshop will allow a wider network to order crafts online and thus support the foundation and the work of the New Hope in Uganda. Together with the partners in Uganda, we are also trying to better standardize the assortment of crafts, build capacity and deliver new designs.
An elephant that will soon be available to order through the webshop
What you can do
Inspired? Would you also like to contribute to Talking Hands and do you have some time to spare? We are always looking for extra help! For example, you can organize fundraising activities, like sales of second hand articles or Ugandan crafts in your neighborhood. Or you could ask for a donation to Talking Hands as a birthday or anniversary present!
Pupils in the classroom
Your donation is highly appreciated! You can donate to:
Stichting Talking Hands IBAN: NL74 RABO 0301 2992 50