
An Easter Message From Fr Tommy

Easter 2021

Dear Beloved of St Margaret's,
As we approach the end of our Lenten journey, we look toward the celebration of Easter with great joy and expectation. We remember the promise that God makes all things new – especially after the year we’ve just lived through!
In many ways, it feels like the past year has been one long Lent, full of self-denial and struggle. And yet, as we follow Christ through Gethsemane and to the cross and finally to the empty tomb on Easter morning, we remember that we, too, have been rescued from darkness and death.
That promise of hope is something we will carry with us – always looking for the joy of the resurrection, especially in this in-between time as we transition from the old way of being before COVID-19 and now as a new normal starts to unfold before us.
There’s a reason they call us an Easter people, not a Lenten people, or even a Good Friday people. We are a people of joy and new life. That alone is reason enough to cause us to raise the roof with shouts of praise!
And so, at our Easter celebration we will fill St Margaret's with shouts of praise. The church will be decorated with flowers, the music will lift us in giving praise to God, and we will share the peace with each other with a new sense of overflowing joy and delight.
In shouting "Alleluia!” once again, we proclaim Christ's new life that is already at work in our lives. But it doesn’t stop there, because Christ’s new life is also at work all around us. We empower one another to invite the world into participating in the resurrection. Our lives, and the life of the world -- especially in 2021 -- depend on it.
I invite you to join your St. Margaret's family during Holy Week and Easter by attending as many services as you can. The list of services beginning this Sunday with Palm Sunday is found at the bottom of this email and you can make your reservations for the services by clicking HERE.
You are invited to make an Easter gift via our website by clicking HERE. Your gifts help make it possible to amplify St. Margaret's continuing proclamation of the resurrection in ministry and service.  THANK YOU!

If you would like help fill St. Margaret’s Church this Easter with fresh flowers and music, you can click HERE to make a donation. You can remember a loved one, celebrate a milestone, or give thanks for blessings.

Blessings to you and those you love, and prayers for a meaningful Holy Week and joyful Easter celebration.
In the love of the Risen Christ,

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