
Our Toolkit For Change is here!

Just in time for Women’s History Month 2021, we are proud to announce the publication of our new Toolkit for Change aimed at helping communities honor more women and people of color in their public spaces. Our all-volunteer non-profit Board has combined their experience and expertise to describe issues other groups will likely encounter and suggest actions communities can take in their efforts to successfully pay tribute to the women who helped create and inspire those communities.  
Drawing on lessons learned during our 7-year truly historic effort to unveil the first statue honoring real women, the Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument, in Central Park on August 26, 2020, the Toolkit includes topics such as: 

* incorporation
* accounting
* budgeting
* fundraising
* public relations/social media
* establishing partnerships
* researching and developing women’s history content
* creating an education campaign
* inspiring youth activism  

Written from a variety of perspectives by MW board members who were intimately involved with the steps needed to complete its first major public art project, the Toolkit describes tasks and considerations that any project will need to anticipate – useful as both a roadmap and a checklist.
Monumental Women thanks ongoing partner Jane Walker by Johnnie Walker, the first-ever female iteration of the Johnnie Walker Striding Man and a symbol of progress in gender equality, for its support of our project and collaboration in bringing this Toolkit to fruition.
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© 2021 Monumental Women/The Statue Fund

Monumental Women® is a registered trademark. Monumental Women is a corporate alias of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Statue Fund Inc., which is a 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible.

Monumental Women/The State Fund
Post Office Box 150-074, Van Brunt Station, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: 347.224.8976

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