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Issue #245 | April 16, 2021 


How Facebook’s Ad System Lets Companies Talk Out of Both Sides of Their Mouths
“The Markup found 18 Exxon ads on Facebook targeted to political liberals and 15 to conservatives—many with messages implying a contradictory attitude toward the urgency of adapting to climate change. The ads—and information about their targeting—came from the Ad Observatory at NYU’s Cybersecurity for Democracy project.”

4 Narratives You Can Develop From Facebook Ad Data
“Facebook ads that contradict an opponent’s message can lead to successful narratives about hypocrisy. With large issue advocacy efforts, it’s difficult for messaging to remain in sync across all channels. This discrepancy can provide significant opportunities for professionals who have Pundit Analytics and know what to look for.”


Warnock admits to signing email with false information about Georgia voting law
“The Washington Post flagged an email Warnock signed from the liberal nonprofit 3.14 Action as an example of Democratic misinformation about the sweeping Georgia voting reforms, as it claimed the new law restricted weekend early voting and ended no-excuse mail voting.”


The Republican podcast taking a shot at making conservatism cool
“For Republicans, Ruthless is trying to offer the same partisan content that popular political podcasts or comedic TV shows have done for independents and Democrats for years – something the right always struggled to offer. For everyone else, the show is a window into part of the pugnacious base – not the fringe right or the anti-Trump sects. They aren’t always defending Donald Trump but they aren’t regular critics of him or his supporters either.”


Will the Coming Privacy Push Hurt Campaign Outreach?
“The expectation [of greater digital privacy] is coming,” Blackaby said. “The legislation that’s being debated right now is not going to directly affect the political industry, but there is going to be ripple effects. People are going to be more and more aware of what’s coming and more and more upset when they discover they’ve been taken advantage of.”


How to Write Campaign Email Newsletters Supporters Actually Want to Read
“Beyond helping your supporters stay up to date about your campaign, newsletters offer additional benefits like better sender reputation and email deliverability because you’re getting more engagement from your audience. This will lead to higher retention on your fundraising list because supporters will appreciate being valued beyond their donation.”

Social Media

MyPillow CEO’s free speech social network will ban posts that take the Lord’s name in vain
Developed in the months since the 2020 election, Lindell has described the project as a combination of “print, radio, and TV,” offering both text posts and live stream capability. Perhaps the strangest promise is that conservative personalities will have significantly more followers on the fledgling network.

How Facebook let fake engagement distort global politics: a whistleblower's account
“But Facebook initially resisted calling the Honduran activity CIB – in part because the network’s use of Pages to create false personas and fake engagement fell into a serious loophole in the company’s rules. Facebook’s policies to ensure authenticity focus on accounts: users can only have one account and it must employ their “real” name. But Facebook has no such rule for Pages, which can perform many of the same engagements that accounts can, including liking, sharing and commenting.”

Trump faces a narrow path to victory against Facebook suspension
Facebook’s oversight board is expected to rule in the coming weeks on whether to uphold or overturn Trump’s indefinite suspension from the platforms, which the company imposed after the Jan. 6 Capitol riots over fears he might incite further violence. So far, the panel of scholars, lawyers and other outside experts has bucked Facebook’s judgment in five of the six decisions it has rendered.


The Next Chapter for USDS
“USDS was created to provide private sector technologists an opportunity to serve their government for a short period of time. This year, in addition to those that joined the civil service permanently, we’ve seen an impressive number of alumni return to serve their government a second time. People continue to serve because it’s clear that they can have impact. A year of service can improve the lives of millions of people, many of whom are experiencing the most difficult moments of their lives.”
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