
St David's Minister's Missive

Dear St David's Church Family💒

This Sunday is the third Sunday of Easter and we will be welcoming families from the Rotuman community as we baptise two of their children. So, there will be 50 extras with us this Sunday and around 150 joining us via our live stream! Please pray for Tia and Samuela and their families as we celebrate with them. We are grateful to the family who will be singing for us during the service and providing us with morning tea afterwards. You will find the liturgy for the service here...

Easter 3 Year B 18th April 2021

Here are the things that I would like to pass on to you this week:

  • Easter offering - we donated $610 to Uniting World to help stop the slide into mass poverty caused by COVID

  • Our Church Council met last Sunday and here are some of the highlights:

- Membership requests from Gretta and Ron were accepted. Watch this space for another membership ceremony. If anyone else is keen to become a member of St David's or to find out some more information, please let me know.

-'Beyond the Chrysanthemum' service is planned - a service to acknowledge the pain and grief for many around Mother's Day. Planned to be held on the afternoon of Saturday 8th May at St David's. More info to come.

-Reimagining Day has been delayed but initial planning meeting taking place next week.

- Alison has been very faithful in keeping our COVID plan up to date with all the changes. The latest update is done (now in a much simplified form) and will be lodged with Synod.

-New outreach - Playgroup for children with disabilities and their carers due to begin in May/June in the hall.

-Social gatherings - we will hold a BBQ or soup lunch after church once every 2 months. On Sunday there is usually a group of us who make our way to Garnish and have lunch together. This has not been a planned event but has morphed into something more regular. All are welcome and the church has funds to cover costs if needed. A Men's Dinner is also being planned.

-next working bee is on Saturday 22nd May, probably from 9-12 ish. This working bee will concentrate on sorting out the rooms in the hall. So, if you have things stored there that you don't want to get thrown away, please organise a time before them to retrieve them, if you can't be there on the day.

-22nd May is also the date of the next Presbytery Discernment Retreat. Watch this space for more information.

-we are currently updating our birthday list so if you would like your name to be added (which means that you birthday is announced in church and a card gets sent to you) please let me or Kim know.

-Safe Church course renewal needed by some - Alison to confirm

-Please see Alison if you would like a full copy of the minutes and David for the financial report.

  • Wednesday night Bible Study Group happens each week on Wednesday evenings. Please see David.

  • Morning Prayer and Communion Service - 9.30am every Wednesday. A quiet space in the middle of the week to be still, pray, meditate to Taize music, discuss the gospel reading, followed by a cuppa at Garnish. All are welcome.

  • Please continue to pray for our work leading the children in Godly Play each Tuesday at Haberfield Public School

  • Prayers for local churches - I have been meeting with Revs from the local Haberfield churches and we have agreed to pray for each other. This week, please pray for the people and mission of St Joan of Arc Catholic Church.

  • Dates for the diary:

-Sunday 25th April - Anzac Day

-Sunday 2nd May - St David's History book launch and BBQ

-Saturday 8th May - Beyond the Chrysanthemum Service

-Sunday 9th May - Mother's Day / Communion

-Friday 21st May - School Climate Strike

-Saturday 22nd May - Working Bee / Presbytery Discernment Retreat

-Tuesday 25th May - Presbytery Meeting

Story-time - Hello to our St David's kids! Dominic, Matilda, Harry, Frank, Sophie, Edie, Ella, Aiden, River, Sacha, Eli and Elise. Our story this week is called 'Guess how much I love you' by Sam Mc Bratney. We look forward to seeing you either in the church or on your computer😊

This week's photos include: photo shoot with Jo Haylen MP for St David's history book launch; St David's in the autumn afternoon light; this week's story book

This week's prayer is called 'Baptism' by Steve Garnass-Holmes:

My child, I know who you are.
You are the issue of my love,
my self spoken into this world.
At times if you doubt, remember
your secret name: Beloved.
I know the gifts I have given you,
the compassion I have planted in you,
how the world will call to those gifts,
will need you and feed on you
and wound you deeply.
Remember those gifts in you are me.
At times you may feel alone,
strange, unbelonging. Know that you Belong.
Know that I am in you and you in me
as deeply as you are in this water.
When you pass through raging waters
they will not overwhelm you.
I will be with you; I will be in you.
In all things, in your miracles and failures,
you are my light. You are my delight.
Go now, into your cobbled, radiant life
and shine with me.


We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, whether physically or via our live-stream.

Wherever you are and whoever you are, you are welcome in this place.

May you know of the Risen Christ's presence now and always,


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