
Dear friends and partners, 

A little over a year ago, I began this newsletter quoting T.S. Eliot’s contemplation that “April is the cruelest month” as we settled into lockdowns and school closures. But it is Shakespeare I’ll turn to this year (I was an English teacher, after all), who wrote that “April, dressed in all his trim, hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” And what a fitting sentiment as we conclude our first week of in-person schooling at LA Unified—a week where not only kids but the adults on campuses could barely contain their excitement

Everyone from the District’s central office to school sites has been working tirelessly to prepare to welcome more of our students back and transition others to a new virtual routine in the coming weeks. The process of returning to campuses in a district as large and diverse as LA Unified is especially complex, and won’t be perfect. But for any obstacles that do emerge, I promise to tackle them with creative, student-centered solutions as we all navigate this transition together. 

While we began welcoming kids back to campus this week, the Board also passed a resolution I cosponsored to make universal preschool a reality for every 3-5 year old in Los Angeles by 2024, and approved a resolution I wrote to invest in more outdoor education opportunities for every LAUSD student, especially after a year of screen time and at-home learning. As we chart a new path forward from this crisis, we need to embrace innovative, integrated strategies to support the needs of our families. In addition to including more outdoor education and social-emotional support in our summer learning programs and beyond, I am also pushing for the District to provide a full-time, in-person learning option starting in the Fall.  

We still have a long road to recovery ahead of us, and the ride will almost certainly be bumpy at times. But our kids are nothing if not resilient, and if we can provide the right resources in the caring, safe environment they need to learn and grow, they won’t just recover from this crisis. They will thrive.  


The Latest from LA Unified
State and District plot strategies for post-pandemic education
LAUSD approves resolution to expand access to outdoor education
In the Community: Readjusting to a new kind of school day
Seeing families dropping their kids off at school, students back in classrooms with their teachers, and the amazing team effort of administrators, school staff, and everyone in our school communities coming together to make sure our kids are safe and learning during this transition has been so great! LAUSD's reopening process won't be perfect, but we will adapt and problem-solve to meet the needs of our kids and families. Thank you to everyone for your hard work and flexibility as we all navigate this transition together!
School Spotlight: Bringing the classroom to the great outdoors
After a year of virtual learning and stay-at-home orders, it’s more important than ever for our kids to have access to outdoor, hands-on learning opportunities. Luckily, LAUSD is lucky to have Gerry Salazar at the helm of our outdoor education program, which runs two camps as well as several field-study sites for students. Getting kids outside to learn is at the heart of everything Gerry does—and he has led innovative efforts to make outdoor learning more accessible and equitable for students, even during the pandemic. We’re grateful for his partnership and excited to work together implementing my outdoor learning resolution and expanding these valuable opportunities!     
ICYMI: Updates, Info, and Resources
Click any photo to visit that resource!
Know your rights! Click here for free legal resources from a collaborative LA initiative.
Help us support students who no longer have the benefit of being in school every day: LAUSD started this fund with community partners to help provide meals and urgently needed supplies, provide devices, digital libraries, and books, and help students to continue learning. You can also donate here to help families with the basics, like rent, food, and childcare.
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Office of LAUSD Board Member Nick Melvoin · 333 S. Beaudry Avenue · 24th Floor · Los Angeles, CA 90017 · USA