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In this INSIDER newsletter: BE's hive - In memoriam - The Alinker mum, Using our voices, Larry - it'll move you, Inclusively - a new partner, Radical Generosity at work, Alinker Academy. - enroll 

BE's hive 

Thanks to a comment that my mum once made, I invented and developed the Alinker. The Alinker mum passed a year ago, today.

One of the greatest photos of my mum, during our last road-trip to the UK where we celebrated her last birthday together on the South-coast in Brighton. 

It is one year ago that we did her last trip together, her passing, her going home. She was sick and was done. She just wanted to get on the plane and go home. She was so happy to be in charge, to decide, to be together the last months that I cared for her in her home in the Netherlands.
We were so lucky to be together, with my brothers and my sister in law, doing this, all on her terms... it was her journey, and we took it together.

So many times this past year I thought, oh I’ll call Tonneke and tell her.... oh no, I cannot do that anymore... still adjusting, yet feeling peaceful...

There is a part of me that feels unmoored, like the person who knew me since birth, can not reflect me back on myself anymore. My role in life has changed.

It feels like an essential witness is no longer present...

I have unplugged to find the piece in me that becomes the elder, the piece that is free now, the piece that misses the calls, the piece that is now closer to my brothers than before, the piece that is so happy for her to be free, to be home again....

with love, always

Antonia Esman
16 April 2020

My mum also taught us to speak up against injustice and it made her prouder than anything, that people used their Alinkers to go out and express their voices, speak up against racism, and inequality. 

We do use our voices to speak up against injustice,
use our voices to speak our truths and celebrate diversity. 

Stop killing people, please stop... speak up against the entitled police officers killing people and getting away with it by a system that protects them. How about protecting people in marginalized communities? 

Contact a neighbour and ask if they need something, reach out to a friend who has been a bit too quiet for a while, call a Black friend and tell them how they are not alone, support your Indigenous communities, reach out to your Asian colleague and let them know you love them, send a care package to an elderly person in your community. 

If we have a flying chance of surviving this mess, we have to pull together and practice ways to make a healthier planet for all. Hate, racism and war are not the way, it has no winners. 

BE kind to each other. You can always call me if you need an ear. 
Larry shares about the first weeks   

Larry completed campaign #156. We are so happy that people share about the first weeks with their Alinker, and that it is not so easy at first, that it takes time and effort to get used to the Alinker. Larry took the time, and diligently practiced his muscles and body, every day a little longer. 

 and now his wife shared this....

Annette just wrote: “Larry visited the bronze statue of Ruth Bader Ginsburg with his Alinker. He worked his way from Alinking around the living room, then our building terraces and now he’s going many places. He’s been to the bank, the optometrist, shopping mall, a couple of stores and here and there around the neighbourhood. Larry has done more in the last few weeks than he’s done in probably a couple of years. He is living his life again and we are so grateful. 💛

If you are just getting started, keep the faith and keep practicing. It has been a process. Keep going and don’t stop trying, as tolerated.

**Larry’s Tips:
Make seat height adjustments until it’s comfortable for you and your condition.

Practice a little bit every day. Even if it’s just “getting on and off” the Alinker.

To your door in 2-3 weeks in the USA - order now
Shipment delayed, for Canada delivery in 4-5 weeks
Instead of cargo being offloaded in the harbours, the process is backlogged in Vancouver and vessels are waiting in the harbour to be cleared. This has caused our shipment to be delayed a few more weeks. International cargo, supply chains and shipping has all been affected by the pandemic, and this is one of the effects, beyond our control. Here is an article about containers backlog. 

We are actively making partnerships with organizations and platforms who are doing cool things to create equal access and promote accessibility for all. Meet our great new partner INCLUSIVELY and see what they do to match employers and people with disabilities. 

Also supporter of the Radical Generosity Collective Campaign
that changes lives through creating access to mobility. 

Radical Generosity
This week we launched 2 more campaigns and both completed within hours! But Burt and Tara did not stop there! They went on to raise more funds to support other campaigners! Now that is Radical Generosity! 

Together we can make sure that everybody doing a campaign can get their own Alinker!  Thank you Burt, Tara and all their friends and the Alinker Family, everybody who contributes to the campaigns. 

168 campaigns have completed so far, seriously, that is so amazing! 
Here are the campaigners who are live now, have a look at what they are sharing: Eileen, Cassandra, Suzanne, and Emma who only has 1 day left, and only needs $100 to complete! 

We invite people to start their campaigns and would specially welcome people of all colours and walks of life. START your own campaign now. Some Alinker users, done a campaign themselves, will help you through the process. 

Everything about the Alinker - order before they sell out!

Alinker Academy

Did you enjoy our live yoga class on Alinkers? 

The Alinker Academy features a video library of 30+ exercise classes, 80+ instructional videos and 16+ Alinker community rides.

Enroll now

Everything about the Alinker - order before they sell out!
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