Last month we had a small group due to a mistake on my part. I forgot to include the meeting information for ZOOM in the Newsletter. Though small it was a lively group and much was discussed that would be of interest to all; I am not editing this introduction much so that we might continue that discussion and hopefully add to it.
I hope you all are continuing to stay safe and getting your vaccinations. If you don't vaccinate, please continue to mask and socially distance, as we all will, until it is official that we have reached "herd immunity". We will follow the science.

Wednesday, April.21, at 6:00 PM,  is our regular LCSC meeting which we have on the ZOOM platform. This is the regular time and day (3rd Wednesday of the month). I hope you all can join us for a discussion of the state of our region and what is "coming down the pike". 
With a new U.S. administration, there is also a renewed attempt to move forward on addressing the issues that adversely affect the climate and our local ecosystems. However, that also means there are attempts to once again renew efforts to move fossil fuels to markets overseas. The Columbia River is seen as a fossil fuel highway. 
We know that there are so many endeavors that would solve both the climate problems along with the job and economy issues we face here in SW Washington.
Bring your thoughts, ideas, and observations to the meeting and let's share some information and maybe set some goals for individual action to accompany what we expect from our leaders.
April LCSC Meeting Information

Dave Hale is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: LCSC April Regular Meeting
Time: Apr 21, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 9123 8124
Passcode: 998694
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Topics for ongoing discussion:
  • Land fill use in Cowlitz County; bio-gas electric generation and solar farms.
  • Development of a Cross-Laminated Timber industry in the Longview industrial sites instead of shipping coal or other fossil fuels.
  • Maintaining natural areas within the city of Longview instead of attempting to fill every last remnant of the "Cowlitz Delta" with housing that is largely unaffordable to the average person in the region.
  • Renewal of our urban areas and permitting higher occupancy lot development within the city, preferably beginning with the core areas around the downtown businesses and services. 
  • Building efficiency improvements: building envelope insulation, ductless heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, smart thermostats,
  • Recycling of plastics: if there is a reduced 'market' for plastics, what can we actually do as consumers. Part of the problem is contamination of the #1 and #2 (bottles) with garbage that makes sorting much more difficult and consequently more expensive. A lot of the problem revolves around cost; thankfully we have moved beyond that with sewage.
  • There are many topics we have mentioned in the near past; you can think of more. Bring them to us; it's how we raise our collective conscience. The above topics if developed would provide JOBS as well as a safer and more sustainable economy. 
Here is a topic that we've discussed in relation to our efforts to protect our communities by not making things worse. One of our supporters and longtime LCSC founding members has posted the following email to the Kalama listserv.

The following was submitted by Sandy D., in relation to Health and Cowlitz County:

The Washington Dept of Health just put out the above map showing health and pollution in our state.

Click on the link to "Environmental Health Disparities" and you can see the map.  Communities highly impacted are rated 9 or 10 - most of Longview is a 10. This would have been such important information to have when we were working on the Health Impact Statement in Cowlitz County for the proposed coal terminal in Longview. 

The map shows:
  • Environmental Exposures (NOx-deisel emissions; ozone concentration; PM2.5 Concentration; populations near heavy traffic roadways; toxic release from facilities (RSEI model))
  • Environmental Effects (lead risk from housing; proximity to hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs); proximity to National Priorities List sites (Superfund Sites); proximity to Risk Management Plan (RMP) facilties; wastewater discharge)
  • Sensitive Populations (death from cardiovascular disease; low birth weight)
  • Socioeconomic Factors (limited English; no high school diploma; poverty; race - people of color; transportation expense; unaffordable housing; unemployed)
The above factors, in very general terms,  are what have been pointed out in the many public hearings over the last 10+ years when others from outside our area and some within have been proposing to establish fossil fuels facilities on the banks of the Columbia River. That's why we firmly believe "WE CAN DO BETTER". Our environment and our health depend on giving voice to the needs of our region and our planet.
Here are a few issues we can work on in our local area while we support national efforts towards the same end.
Plastics in our environment:
Clothing Issues; microfibers in the wastewater stream getting into the river and ultimately the ocean. Clothing of the recycled pop bottle sort can be the source of micro-fibers that pollute and wind up in our blood stream and tissues, through the tissues of the food we eat, and the wildlife that we share the planet with., 
  • Solution – Don’t wash your polar fleece, or other fleece,  so often and use the gentler cycle in the washer The fluffy fleece is most susceptible to shedding fibers in the washing and drying processes. Tighter weave materials like some polyesters and nylons used in  windbreakers etc. don’t shed as much. Moat of these synthetic materials are very easily cleaned with plain water or a wet cloth as the fibers are hydro-phobic and not prone to staining.
    • Other solutions – don’t drain your washer into the regular drain that exits your system into the public sewage system. Get a microfiber trap for the drain hose on the washer. The resultant residue from the trap can then be collected and burned when dry, or if that is not possible in your situation, then bag it and put it into the garbage where it will go to a landfill (not the ideal, but better than going through the wastewater treatment plant which doesn’t trap that small of particles.
      • Recycle or repurpose clothing – it’s amazing how many folks just toss their clothes that aren’t worn any more or they don’t want. Consider donating to charity or using the material for rags. When no give away or repurpose is found, the material can be sent to a materials recycling facility where the material is broken down into fibers that are rewoven into new products.
      • A Circular Economy – this is ultimately what we need to get to in reducing our carbon footprint and our gluttonous extraction of raw materials (oil and gas). It might not be 100% achievable, but it can be approachable if we start doing it ourselves and the market realizes that there is a demand for that practice. It's already happening in a small way with plastic bags which are sent from bins in the super markets to Trex for processing into composite wood decking materials. A step in the right direction and more can be done. 

I hate asking for money but here I go again.
We don't have a very large budget or bank account. We largely relied on "passing the hat/basket" at our in person meetings. As a result of going online through the ZOOM platform, we don't have that means of revenue. Please consider a donation sent to our mailing address below. The USPS will appreciate it and we at LCSC surely will. Any amount is gratefully appreciated. Remember, a lot of campaigns thrived because of the efforts of small donors. Does anyone have an opinion on the use of "PayPal" or "Venmo"? It seems more young folks are using Venmo. We currently receive donations via mail in checks to the PO Box 
Thank you for giving us your time and your ear. 
We are entering the "booth season"; the time is near for the Earth Day booth and the lock down is re-tightening. So, it is likely that we are not going to participate in that booth or in the GO 4th festival either. One of the problems is the lack of staffing to maintain the booth during the entire event. It has usually been up to a few members who are consistently "there for the cause". It is with sadness that I relay the lack of willingness to put on these events this year. There is an attempt by the GO 4th Association to register and turn in the paperwork (w/o payment) in hopes that the festival will be allowed  this year (no news at this time). This is why it's important for us at LCSC to have volunteers committed in advance to staffing the booths. This year it looks as though we well be fairly silent as an event presence. Please consider volunteering to do this in the future. We could always use your presence at LCSC and you will be important in informing the community about the issues affecting our quality of place.

We still need some folks to volunteer or nominate persons interested in being on the board of directors for LCSC. The qualifications are simple: you believe we as a community, should be taking care of our environment, so that we can have healthy people to maintain a sustainable economy. Submit please to the email address below or to the PO Box address below, or even better, at a LCSC meeting.
Alternately, you can call someone you know,  who is on the board or attends meetings regularly, to submit you or another for nomination.

Thank you for your continued support.

LCSC General Meetings 
Meetings currently on the ZOOM platform
We had been meeting at Lower Columbia College, in the Student Center conference room STC 120 A, B, C. This had been our venue as of March 2019. We meet online now the meeting times  will  change only slightly (6:00 PM, every 3rd Wednesday of the month). The meeting starts at 6:00 PM and the discussion goes to approximately 8:00PM
Online members' meetings resumed in February 2021, third Wednesday, 17th, at 6PM, That  meeting we joined with Columbia Riverkeeper and our activist friends to celebrate and catch up.
See you all tomorrow at 6PM, when we catch up and talk about our region's current continuing and new issues.

Copyright © 2021 Lower Columbia Stewardship Community, All rights reserved.