Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Education Initiative

Dear friend of the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Education Initiative at Penn State, 

We would love to continue to connect with you and keep you informed on our work in the Holocaust Ed Initiative at Penn State. Our Initiative supports educators and administrators through inquiry-based professional learning opportunities to support educating and navigating difficult topics in K-12 spaces. We invite you to subscribe to our quarterly e-newsletter to stay up to date on our work and the stakeholders with which we work. 

To see our most recent edition of the Initiative Bulletin newsletter, CLICK HERE

If you’d like to subscribe to our quarterly e-newsletter, please fill out the form below.

For any inquiries about our professional learning offerings, please contact the team at HolocaustEdInitiative@psu.edu. 

All the best, 

The Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Education Initiative team at Penn State

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