
2021 Newsletter Term 2, Week 1

Parkes Christian School

I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

School News
Parkes Shire Council wishes to advise of the following temporary road closures and associated detour to Back Trundle Road to allow for road works to be undertaken: 
  • Back Trundle Road will be closed to East Bound Traffic from Cookapie Street to Moulden Street, Parkes. 
  • Detour for Eastbound traffic will be via Cookapie Street, Thomas Street, Reedsdale Road and Mitchell Street, Parkes
  • Moulden Street will be closed to through traffic between Henry Parkes Way and Thomas Street, Parkes.
The works are scheduled to commence on Tuesday 13 April 2021 and continue through to Wednesday 21 April 2021, between the hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm weather permitting. Vehicle access to closed sections will be available for local traffic only. Residents are requested to exercise caution at all times when around the work area and to follow the instructions of staff and traffic controllers on site. Enquiries can be directed to Council's Works Engineer, Mr. Logan Hignett, on 02 6861 2344. 
PAC Park Excursion
Year 11 and Year 10 students recently visited PAC Park to take some measurements of the living and non-living things in the area. Students used the Data loggers to collect information about the air, water and soil -  temperature and pH, salt, and clarity of the waterway.
Students then used other equipment to collect information on the types of vegetation along a 50m stretch of the waterway bank and the types of weeds in the areas.
Year 10 used the information collected to complete a written report on the health of the waterway. Year 11 used this activity to develop their skills in collecting information on living and non-living things in a local environment.
The students enjoyed their morning, putting their research and data collection skills to practical use in a local waterway. 
Mrs Wynstra
Term 1 was a big term in Agriculture. We have continued growing seedlings in the school garden and have even seen the first of our capsicums ready to pick. We have visited the Watermelon Farm in Forbes, in which we were shown how a working vegetable farm operates on a day-to-day basis and we were even able to take a watermelon home. We represented our school at the High School Expo night and were able to talk to parents and other students about our Ag program and the opportunities it provides. We have planted out the Woolworths Seedlings and have seen them begin to germinate and grow. These will be planted into our vegetable garden early in Term 2. We also began building a greenhouse, which will be finished early in Term 2 as well. We are looking forward to another great term in Agriculture. 
Miss Barrass
STEM Lessons with Year 5 and 6
During STEM lessons, Year 5 and 6 students used time lapse to record experiment results. Time lapse is a process where a camera takes several photos over a period of time. When the photos are combined, they make a video demonstrating change over that time.
Stage 3 had fun experimenting with the time lapse format. This video shows some of their creative projects. Mr Denmead
Primary Sport: Tennis
Our Primary students have been involved in many sporting opportunities during Term 1 and thanks to Helen Magill from Parkes Tennis, they have had the chance to practice their skills at tennis during sport each Friday. Here is a video of our students enjoying their Friday sports lesson.
Thank you Helen for coming to PCS and teaching our students.
PCS Staff
Name: Kristen Barrass. 
Your Role at School: K-8 Library, K-6 Technology, 7-10 Agriculture Teacher, Librarian and Technology Support.

Favourite School Memory: The High School Music lesson when I was given my nickname.
Fun Fact: I love fishing in the river but I am allergic to fish.
The Best Thing about Working at PCS: All of the great people I get to see each day. The PCS community really is awesome to be a part of!
Favourite Quote/Verse: It matters not what someone is born, but who they grow to be!
Name: Belinda Boland. 
Your Role at School: Teachers Aide.
Favourite School Memory: Being a part of our school musical productions.

Fun Fact: I love to laugh... and it’s the only time I ever got myself into trouble at school because I laughed when I shouldn’t have!
The Best Thing about Working at PCS: Working with people who love Jesus and show it!
Favourite Quote/Verse: Isaiah 40:31 - but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Compassion OpShop

Our long-awaited Compassion OpShop will take place in Term 3 this year. That is a while away, but if you are planning a wardrobe clean out at the end of summer you might consider putting a few things away to donate for the OpShop.

Things that you CAN donate:

  • Women’s clothes

  • Men’s clothes

  • Kids and teens

  • Handbags, scarves and hats

Things we are not accepting:

  • Swimwear

  • Underwear, socks and hosiery

  • Baby clothes

  • Soiled or damaged clothing

  • Jewellery

Items can be donated to the school office after the holidays. Thanks so much! Miss Harris

Check our facebook page to see more images and videos from our newsletter!

Monday 19 April
  • School is Back for Term 2
  • The Little Mermaid Rehearsal - for Poor Unfortunate Souls + Reprise, Beluga Sevruga: Ursula, Ariel, Flotsam + Jetsam (3:10pm - 5:00pm)
  • Homework Hub (3:07pm - 4:00pm)
Tuesday 20 April
  • Bell Shakespeare Visit: Such Sweet Sorrow - Years 2 to Years 6 (9:00am - 9:50am)
  • Bell Shakespeare Visit: Just Romeo and Juliet! - Years 7 to Years 10 (10:30am - 11:20am)
Wednesday 21 April
  • Sport; Lawn Bowls + PCYC - Yrs 7 and 8 (1:30pm - 3:00pm)
  • Sport; Golf + PCYC - Yrs 9 and 10 (1:30pm - 3:00pm)
  • Author Alan Robinson Workshop - Yrs 9 and 10 Visual Art Students (2:00pm - 3:00pm)
  • The Little Mermaid Rehearsal - for Fathoms Below & The Storm: Prince Eric, Grimsby, Pilot, Sailors (3:10pm - 5:00pm)
Thursday 22 April
  • Author Alan Robinson Workshop - Yr 7P (9:30am - 10:30am)
  • Author Alan Robinson Workshop - Yr 7V (11:30am - 12:30pm)
  • The Little Mermaid Rehearsal - for Human Stuff: Scuttle + Gulls and The Contest: Grimsby, Carlotta, Ariel, Princesses and Prince Eric (3:10pm - 5:00pm)
  • Camo Disco - Kinder to Yr 6 (4:00pm - 5:00pm)
  • Camo Disco - High School (6:00pm - 8:30pm)
Friday 23 April
  • Sport Day - Kindy to Yr 6
  • Primary Assembly (2:20pm - 3:00pm)
to see more calendar dates for 2021, click here...
Upcoming School Events
Students in the Community
Library Ambassadors
Year 5 PCS students Molly Clohessy and Knox Lamont are our 2021 Shire Library Ambassadors and were recently spotted in the local papers. The students will help promote and communicate what is happening at the Parkes Library with their respective school community. The ambassadors will also be invited to events at the library, write book reviews of new books and as a bonus the ambassadors will be allowed to attend school holiday programs run at the library for free.
Well done Knox and Molly.
To read more about it go to the following link
Community News
For more information on how to enter the Waste 2 Art Competition click here
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