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Today, let's focus on gratitude for our life.

Find a quiet space. Sit up tall, and close your eyes. Set a timer for one to two minutes per movement so that you can be fully present (or increase the time if you want a longer experience).  


First, pay attention to God. 

Take slow, deep breaths. Focus on the spot that you feel the breath in your body. 
  • As you breathe in, think, "For this breath..." 
  • As you breathe out, think, "... God, I thank you" (Job 33:4).


Second, ponder your inner world.

Process the following with Jesus:
  • What thoughts steal my attention from this present moment? (Give those preoccupations to Jesus now)
  • Jesus, what do I need to express gratitude for right now?


Third, prepare to love others.

Ask Jesus to help you answer the following:
  • How has my distracted presence impacted others lately?
  • What practical changes can I make this week to be more present to others?

A closing prayer:

Father, your breath gives life to every living thing. And each breath is a witness  every inhale a gift; each exhale a celebration of life. 

Jesus, forgive me for forgetting you throughout my day. Let every breath teach me of my dependence upon you. 

Holy Spirit, move me this week beyond shallow breaths of anxiety and toward heartfelt inhales of gratitude and relieving exhales of love. 



Peace be with you until next week,
Rusty McKie 

I'd love to connect with you on Facebook or Twitter.

If you're wondering, this is why I lead you to focus on your breath

If you missed last week’s article, check out Feeling Bad About Feeling Bad.

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