
St David's Minister's Missive

Dear St David's Church Family💒

It has been good to journey through Holy Week together - and so much more special to be able to do so in person this year.

We marched around the church on Palm Sunday, visited the Stations of the Cross Art Exhibition on Wednesday, dwelt in the pain of the cross on Good Friday, followed by hot cross buns, and then rejoiced together that Christ is risen on Easter Sunday! It was also special to hear that it was Ella's first communion, as well as the 21st anniversary of Mehry becoming a Christian!

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Easter and we spend some time with Doubting Thomas. You will find the liturgy here...

Easter 2 Yearr B 11th April 2021

Here are the things that I would like to pass on to you this week:

Here is the UCA President's Easter message:

Baptism next week - We are having 2 baptisms next Sunday 18th, of children in the Rotuman community and we will be welcoming 50 of their family members. Please pray for Tia and Samuela and their families. The family will also be singing during the service and providing morning tea for us.

PreachFest! - Are you a preacher or someone who is interested in giving it a go? Then this conference may be just for you. 1-3 June. Follow the link for more information:

Preachfest! 2021 - Uniting Mission and Education

Kindness Cupboard - I am pleased to report that St David's Kindness Cupboard is running low on supplies and a re-stock is needed. If you have non-perishable items that you would like to donate, please put them in the cupboard. Thank you to Gloria and Gretta for their work on this.

Wednesday night Bible Study Group happens each week. This group are meeting face to face now. If you would like to be part of this, please have a chat with David.

Morning Prayer and Communion Service - 9.30am every Wednesday. A quiet space in the middle of the week to be still, pray, meditate to Taize music, discuss the gospel reading, followed by a cuppa at Garnish. All are welcome.

Story-time - Hello to our St David's kids! Dominic, Matilda, Harry, Frank, Sophie, Edie, Ella, Aiden, River, Sacha, Eli and Elise. Our story this week is called 'Some Dogs Do' by Jez Alborough. We look forward to seeing you either in the church or on your computer😊

This week's photos include: Good Friday & Easter at St David's images; Ella wearing my stole and cross; Jan and Kaye at Garnish after morning prayer; this week's story book

This week's prayer is a poem by Steve Garnass-Holmes: 'Miracle! Mystery!

Miracle! Mystery!
What was paralysed in me dances!
What was ashamed in me rejoices!

You who are grace itself,
from the chaos of No
you speak your clear Yes.

Under the weight of impossibility,
despite all our explanations,
you rise.

In the thickest un-creation,
in the deepest darkness
you command light.

In failure and emptiness,
in utter rot and decay,
you thrive.

How do you
turn dying into living,
melt evil into mercy?

By your grace
the grave empties itself
into you.

Christ is risen
hand in hand with me
and I am hauled into your glory.


We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, whether physically or via our live-stream.

Wherever you are and whoever you are, you are welcome in this place.

May you know of the Risen Christ's presence now and always,


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