Weekly Fitness Challenge
This week’s challenge is based on exercises to improve posture. Of course, going for our daily walk (ideally 30 minutes) is really important for us to stay fit but as you walk, be conscious of your posture and keep your head up but cast your eyes down to see where you are going.
Try these workouts to dramatically help your posture:
Join me for a highly effective short workout which I do regularly for my posture muscles.
This workout focuses on the shoulders but incorporates the whole body too.
Seated Alternative
If you prefer to exercise sitting down, follow Mary’s Seated Warm-up followed by her Seated Strength Workout which incorporates posture exercises as well as those for the whole body.
If you do some of these every day you will really make a difference to your posture in a week – and look 10 years younger!
For those of you following Mary’s 28-Day Immunity Plan Progressive Workout, try to move on to Immunity Plan - Week 2 to progress your strength.
Click here to go to the webpage.