April 2021
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Dear <<First Name>>,

Welcome to the April edition of Landlord and Tenant E-lert
The issues in this month’s articles are:
Article 1: What does a clause which requires a tenant to reimburse its landlord for gas and electricity at “prevailing commercial rates” actually mean?
Article 2: Where is the dividing line between a lease which lawfully shifts liability for empty business rates and a lease which is just a sham arrangement for the same purpose?
Article 3: What issues will the Upper Tribunal consider when deciding on whether or not to vary a restrictive covenant?  
Article 4: The importance for land owners to promptly take steps to stop unauthorised use of their land.
I hope that you find these articles helpful
Best regards

Simple Clause in Commercial Property Lease Triggers High Court Dispute
Commercial property leases can be long and complex documents, but it is often their most apparently simple clauses that give rise to dispute.

High Court Rules on Business Rates Mitigation Scheme
It is perfectly legitimate and lawful for landlords of empty commercial premises to enter into business rates mitigation schemes.

Upper Tribunal Refuses to Vary Restrictive Covenant to Allow Substantive Development in Large Rear Garden
Domestic gardens, which many people view as the glory of British suburbia, present a tempting prospect to builders amidst burgeoning housing demand. As one case showed, however, objectors to such developments are by no means powerless.

Squatter Obtains Ownership of Land by Fencing and Using the Disputed Land
The case concerned a narrow strip of land that once formed part of a railway track that was dismantled following the Beeching reforms.

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