
TechTello | Brain Tickle


Here is your weekly Brain Tickle Newsletter from TechTello - Learn and be better everyday.


"How can you balance yourself on the confidence humility see-saw? Most people worry that their confidence can be seen as arrogance or their humility can be a sign of lack of assertiveness. Confidence, how much you believe in yourself is important. But, humility to know where you fall short and seek help is just as important. The sweet spot of confidence is tempered with humility. What can breed arrogance through unshakeable confidence is avoided by humility."

Confident Humility: Paradox of Successful Leadership

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“Fixating on a single activity might be a decent formula for maximum output. But a good deal of scientific evidence shows that hyper-specialization is not the best strategy for our well-being. We can find greater happiness by instead cultivating a variety of serious interests and activities. In addition to being fun and making you happy, a commitment to multiple skills can make you better at each of them. You can conduct your life in two meters at once, creating playful clashes, cheerful dissonances, and unanticipated harmonies. You might not be the next great composer of music, but armed with Ives’s formula, you can compose a fulfilling life."

- Here's 10,000 hours. Don't spend it all in one place.
"Trying to prove how smart we are is just one of the bad habits that leads us to speak without thinking. Another is speak when angry or out of control. Some people use anger as a management tool to some success. It can get people’s attention. The difficulty is that when you’re angry, you’re usually out of control, and it’s hard to lead people when you’re out of control. The worst thing about anger is that it stifles your ability to change. Once you get a reputation for emotional volatility, it can take years of model behavior to change how others see you. But, that’s okay. You have to start somewhere.” 

Why you should always think before you speak


It isn’t how much you know that matters. What matters is how much access you have to what other people know. It isn’t just how intelligent your team members are; it is how much of that intelligence you can draw out and put to use.

― Liz Wiseman


Are you busy doing work and moving forward or spending time criticizing others and pushing yourself back?
Enjoy your weekend,

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