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In honor of Stop Food Waste Day, we welcome you to our first Stop Food Waste blog newsletter, where we will be sharing quarterly stories and seasonal tips from our website and Stop Food Waste partners. We hope you'll join us in taking action in our kitchens to make the most of the food we have and prevent it from going to waste.


A Miracle in Every Overlooked Grain of Rice

Our Stop Food Waste partner, Food Shift, shares a beautiful story to remind us that it's not just food we're wasting:

Food Shift’s Executive Director, Yuka Nagashima, explains her personal connection to curbing food waste as the outcome of an intentional relationship with the food she eats.

Her motivation to fully appreciate food stems from her consciousness of where her food comes from and the many people who have helped bring it to her bowl.

"When I was growing up in Japan, if I left grains of rice in my bowl, my father would say, “Mind your food,” which in Japanese literally means “Do it proper.” He reminded me that I should appreciate the sequence of events that went into this creation before me: from my mother who remembered to wash the rice a few hours before dinner so it had time to soak, to the rice monger who delivered the bag of rice to our house, all the way to those who grew it back on the farm."

 —Yuka Nagashima, Food Shift Executive Director

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6 Hacks to De-Stress Weeknight Meals

Learn ways to reduce meal-time stress with Chef Alison, our Stop Food Waste partner and founder of Ends + Stems:

I’ve focused my career on helping folks remove some of the stress and set up good habits in their home kitchens. I’m also passionate about reducing food waste and envisioning a new normal where we prioritize eating what we already have in the cabinets and a more sustainable future of food at home. But, don’t panic! It has to be in that order - first de-stress, then let's build habits to be more sustainable as well. Even if you’re a seasoned foodie who loves weeknight dinners, I’ve got some ideas for you! 
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Roll unwashed lettuce in a dry towel, then store in a sealed bag in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. Try an ice bath if it needs to be revived!
Allow avocados to ripen on the counter. Once cut, keep the pit in and rub with lemon or oil to reduce browning.
Add strawberry tops to vinegar to make a delicious infusion for vinaigrettes and marinades, and to brighten up vegetables.
Instead of tossing those veggie skins, consider turning them into a tasty and nutritious snack.
More Food Saving Tips



"When I plan meals, I generally make food that has similar ingredients so none goes to waste. An example is if I buy a bunch of cilantro, I'll have tacos, enchiladas, and maybe a Thai soup to use all the cilantro before it goes bad."
- Alameda Mom


Spring Events

  • Bay Area Green Tours, Food Waste Tour Video Launch
    Thursday, May 27, 2021, 6-7pm via Zoom
For event updates and tips and tricks to get the most out of your food, save money, and live sustainably, follow StopWaste on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram below!
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