What do you include in an Event Safety Plan?

Hello <<First Name>>, we hope you are well! 

In this Manifesto we will be sharing a short video (3 Minutes) on what to include in an Event Safety Plan. This video was taken from our latest course the "Event Manager's Manual" which is open for enrolment now!

Firstly, what is an Event Safety Plan (ESP)? The ESP is your comprehensive document for all statutory authorities and multi agency providers. It should also be given to your above line management team for your event, venue managers and other stakeholders. 

The Event Safety Plan is a crucial document for any event. As an event manager you need to make sure everyone at your event is safe. 

Watch the video below for more in-depth detail on who should receive it and what should go in it. 

This is only an insight from the course about Event Safety Plans. In the course we talk in detail about:

  • Why do we have one (The reasons they exist)
  • What's in one (What does it need to be? What do you want it to be?)
  • Who should produce it (Inhouse v External)
  • Who does it go to (Sharing information, protecting your rights & Quality Control)
The Event Manager's Manual is a 12 week course involving online learning, live Q&A sessions, case studies and 4 assignments. It will include everything you need to know – now and post Covid. The course will also be accredited by CPD.

To enrol or to find out more click here!

If you have any questions contact us on Facebook or email us now on

Keep your eyes peeled on our social media for more information!


warm regards,

International Institute of Live Events 
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Company Number 12555226

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