Our Spiritual Theme for May is

Dear Beloveds,
I remember reading a newspaper story about online anonymity a few years ago about a small business owner whose business was almost ruined by anonymous online critical reviews. Like many businesses this one had an online marketing and social media presence. Although there was an occasional bad review or poor opinion of the business posted, most were favorable and sometimes even contained helpful critical feedback. Then one day dozens upon dozens of bad reviews started showing up on the business’s Facebook page, Instagram, Yelp entry, and Google entry. After some investigation, it turned out that every single one of them was being posted by an employee at a rival local small business. The person posting had never used the business but invented made-up stories critical of the business. The critic didn’t use their own online account to post the criticisms but create dozens and dozens of fake Facebook accounts from which they trashed the other business. Not only was this behavior unethical, but it also lacked the most basic personal integrity. We live in the era of “fake news” and we all know now the dangers of posting and spreading lies and false or incomplete information. Yet there is another aspect to this type of incident that often goes unexplored. If you’re the business owner who has been the victim of this slander against your business, how do you know when any new criticism of the business or any suggestion for improvement is valid? I imagine it becomes difficult to take comments and reviews at face value and causes you to want to look up, and verify if possible, the identity of every single person posting a comment or review. Who has that time or emotional energy?
The article I read went on to talk about the difficulties of business ethics, as if somehow business ethics is or should be an oxymoron, especially now in the digital age. It reminded me once again that ethics, integrity, kindness, and compassion can’t be legislated or mandated and is even more powerful and important than rules and laws. How we choose to act matters. Our actions and words can help and heal or harm and hurt. It’s important to act and speak with honesty and integrity. To speak and act with honesty and integrity we need to understand, know, and live by our own authentic story; to live into what we say we believe – to walk our talk. This sounds simple enough and easy enough, but we can often forget or neglect to practice this, especially when what we have to say is difficult and might put us at odds with family, friends, or neighbors. This month let’s make one of our practices owing and sharing our own authentic story.
With love,
Rev. Tony
Our spiritual theme for May is “Story”. Join us Sunday mornings or later in the week at our virtual worship services. Rev. Tony, members, and friends as well as guest speakers participate in the services. Our virtual choir along with our pianists Ann and Alan add beautiful music. These new innovations in technology and the generosity of time and talent from volunteers make it possible to share our Unitarian Universalist messages and values with all of you.
May 2 - “Swimming to The Other Side”
Worship Associate Jeff May reflects on life and church on the other side of quarantine. What stories will we tell then?
Tune in at 10:20 a.m. for announcements, and the service begins at 10:30 a.m. You do not need a Facebook account to view the service.
Hymn of the Month: Singers of All Kinds Wanted for the UUOne Virtual Choir's NEXT HYMN: "Spirit of Life", one of our most revered pieces of music. If you're not on our email list and would like to be included, we'd LOVE to hear from you -- please contact Ann Quackenbos or Jeff May. We will be using this hymn many times, and the more voices we have, the better.
MUUS Coffee Hour
Join us after the Sunday Service for Coffee Hour.
Bring your own coffee and visit. All are welcome!
Join here
Meeting ID: 960 2842 8691 Password: 672120
Small Group Ministry
Small Groups have a powerful and transformative experience. Join a Soul Circle - an online small group ministry that meets regularly on Zoom. Groups are now meeting, but you can join anytime. You can sign up to join a group by clicking on this link or contact Rev. Tony.
Rev. Tony has created a Google Drive for Soul Matters materials for Small Group Ministry that can be found on the members page of the website under Soul Matters.
Zoom Book Group
Read with Rev. Tony Minister’s Book Group
Facilitator: Rev. Tony Lorenzen, revtonyuu@gmail.com
Join here
Description: Read novels with spiritual and religious themes and discuss with Rev. Tony. The group meets 3rd Wednesdays at NOON on Zoom during Lunch with the Minister, so bring your lunch and log on. The range of novels spans a wide spiritual and religious spectrum and includes a variety of fiction genres such as science fiction, memoir, fantasy, historical fiction, travelogue, and literary novel.
May 11 - American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Multi-Pantheon Fantasy)
NOTE – No need to contact the facilitator, just read and come to lunch. Lunch will happen regardless, if people read the books, so much the better!
Share the Plate: New Routines
MUUS had a tradition of supporting local and national organizations making the world a better place by putting donations in “the basket” twice a month. The basket is gone (for now) but our giving tradition doesn’t have to be.
Click on the picture to donate
Monica Burnham
For the Social Justice Coordinating Team
Black Lives Matter
Justice Woodbury – meets Sundays at 12:30 p.m. at North Green in Woodbury. Justice Southbury – meets Sundays at 2 p.m. at Playhouse Corner
Rev. Tony Lorenzen is in his home office Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. He is available for appointments on Zoom, phone or online chat. Monday is Rev. Tony’s day off, Friday is his Sermon prep day. You can reach Rev. Tony at (508)-344-3668 and revtonyuu@gmail.com
Rev. Tony Lorenzen Minister, The Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden and The Mattatuck Unitarian Universalist Society cell:
508-344-3668 revtonyuu@gmail.com
Website: http://revtonyuu.com
Facebook facebook.com/RevTony Twitter @revtonyuu.
Helping Hands
If you or someone in our congregation needs help, please contact helpinghands@muusct.org for assistance. We are keeping those who are ill or struggling with life circumstances in our thoughts and prayers. Please check our website www.muusct.org for additional resources for dealing with the COVID 19 pandemic. We are working to continue to be of assistance from a distance via ZOOM, etc.
Judith Frances, Liaison for Helping Hands
It’s easy to donate on the website: MUUSCT.org use a credit card or PayPal. Or mail in your weekly donations to MUUS, P.O. Box 876, Woodbury, CT 06798. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Support MUUS when you shop anytime, by shopping at “smile.amazon.com." There’s also a link for Amazon Smile on the homepage of our website MUUSCT.org. Amazon donates .5% of your purchases to us at no extra cost to you. Thank you!
The Fundraising Committee has put in motion another Sunflower Sale! We took advantage of the abundant sunshine and warm, dry weather last Saturday to get the project started.
We planted about 150 small peat pots with 3 varieties of sunflowers. They are nestled warmly in a greenhouse, waiting for the warm weather to stay. In about a month or so, we will replant the babies into larger containers!
I would like to thank, Jackson Baskin, Miles Baskin, Eileen Resnick, Denise Pedane, and Christine and Ed Edelson for helping get this project started. Thanks also to Jim Templeton who set up nice new shelves in his chicken greenhouses for the plants, and for the weeks of watering those plants that lie in his future!
If you would like to join us when we repot our little plants, please call or text Vivian Templeton and let her know you are available. 203-910-7496.
UUA GA Update: Circle Round
Circle 'Round for Justice ● Healing ● Courage is the theme for General Assembly 2021. You may now view the full GA schedule! While we still have some big upcoming announcements (like this year's Ware Lecturer - details coming soon!), you can now preview the abundance of Virtual GA programming including 75 On-Demand Programs and 39 Live Webinars. And remember, there is no "tyranny of choice" at a Virtual GA because anything attendees miss live can eventually be watched On-Demand!
Save the date:
Saturday, June 26 at EDT/6:00 p.m. for the 2021 UU General Assembly Ware Lecture. Speakers will be Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade. (UU GA Registration required)
Based on our size, our congregation is entitled to two delegates. We have one volunteer and are looking for a second. If you are interested in representing us at this year’s General Assembly, please contact one of members of the Board. The Credential Manager is now open, and we can begin distributing member delegate credentials. Credentials allow member delegates registered for GA, to vote on business matters.

RE Save the date
Sunday, May 9 at 9:30 am on ZOOM.
Join with MUUS families for My Personal Scavenger Hunt. You will receive a list of items that will help to tell your story. Share your story on zoom using prompts from the at home scavenger hunt list that we’ll send your way. Do you have any pets? What is your favorite book/stuffed animal? How about a game you love to play?
Poetry Reading Group
Thursday, May 27, 2:30 pm zoom
Award winning poet, Stanley Kunitz will be the featured poet. He served 2 terms as US Poet Laureate and his books won a National Book Away and a Pulitzer Prize. Everyone is welcome to participate in this group or simply come to listen! His poetry books have been translated into several languages.
If anyone would like further information, call or text Barb Eler, 860-485-8118.
Soul Circle Small Group Ministry with Rev. Tony
First Fridays of the Month at 10 -11:30 a.m.
Facilitator: Rev. Tony Lorenzen, revtonyuu@gmail.com
Here is the link to join Zoom
Description: Using the Circle of Trust format popularized by Parker Palmer, Rev. Tony facilitates reflection on the month’s spiritual theme. IMPORTANT-each month we reflect on resources that are emailed well ahead of the meeting, so the earlier you let Rev. Tony know you are interested, the more time you have the material.
NOTE – Please contact facilitator at least 24 hours ahead of scheduled date and time if you plan to attend. If there is no interest before a scheduled event time, the event will be cancelled.
SAVE THE DATE - 8/7/21
Join Barbara Roberts and her Family for a Memorial Service for her late husband George Roberts, long-time pillar of the MUUS community. More information will be available.
Wednesday, May 5, Noon on Zoom
Sunday, April 25
12:00 p.m. MUUS Budget Discussion
Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 960 2842 8691 Password: 672120
Tuesday, May 4
4:00 p.m. Membership Committee Virtual Meeting
Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 950 8979 7833 Passcode: 497223
Wednesday, May 5
12:00 p.m. Lunch with the Minister
By phone at +1929 205 6099 or log in here Meeting ID: 898 843 3706
6:30 p.m. Lifespan Religious Education Zoom Meeting
7:00 p.m. Small Group Ministry
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 5384 4876 Passcode: 479960
Thursday, May 6
5:00 p.m. NLDC meeting
7:00 p.m. Fundraising Committee Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 945 0832 0045 Password: 993500