Hello <<First Name>>
I would like to personally invite you to the second Alchemy of Health Webinar on the topic of 'Managing Thyroid Problems" on Monday 3rd May 2021 at 7:00pm. I encourage you to register even if you cannot attend at that time so that I can send you a YouTube video link and you can watch it in your own time - register at https://alchemyofhealth3.eventbrite.com.au
Topic: Managing Thyroid Problems
Why is this important?
Thyroid dysfunction is a common condition and often goes misdiagnosed. The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits around the trachea in the neck is in control of metabolism and temperature control.
The thyroid works intimately with adrenal function. This is why patients with thyroid dysfunction will invariably experience adrenal fatigue. 10–15% of the population have positive thyroid antibodies contributing to the increasing statistic of Hashimotos disease.
A wide range of factors from hormone imbalances, mood disorders to mineral deficiencies and environmental pollutants can interfere with thyroid production, leading to health problems.
Dysfunction is Notoriously Under-Diagnosed.
Learning Outcomes
In this webinar, you will learn:
- Functions of the Thyroid Gland
- Thyroid Hormones, Antibodies and Iodine
- How does Thyroid affect mood or hormones?
- Testing for thyroid function
- Managing thyoid problems naturally
Register now for "Managing Thyroid Problems' interactive webinar on Zoom! https://alchemyofhealth3.eventbrite.com.au
See my blog on Thyroid Matters
Alchemy of Health Webinar Series
Watch out for the next 'Alchemy of Health' monthly webinar series that will be held on the 1st Monday of every month at 7pm Melbourne time on 7 June 2021 on the topic of 'Immunity and You in Winter.' If you have any specific topics you would like me to discuss during these webinars, please reply to this email.
Health Chat
If you'd like to discuss your health with me, you can book a 10 minute discovery call or an online consultation
via https://empowered-health.au1.cliniko.com/bookings?business_id=31882#service.
Vanita Dahia