
Manufacturing Facility Planned to Meet Needs of Offshore Wind Industry Lands in New Jersey 

The Americanization of the $100 billion offshore wind energy industry is now roaring to life at the South Jersey Port Corporation's (SJPC) Paulsboro Marine Terminal (PMT), where EEW American Offshore Structures is constructing a state-of-the-art factory to manufacture massive monopile foundations that support huge offshore wind turbines. EEW is the first company to set up a tier-one factory in the United States, with many more offshore wind companies to follow.
For the SJPC, it means jobs and an increase of 250,000 tons of steel cargo flowing annually through PMT. For New Jersey, it means a break away from the pack of states competing for the bounty of jobs and economic development in the green energy economy, with strong support from President Biden and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy.

It's a game-changer in an industry pioneered and developed by Europeans who took the early risks to build and refine a highly reliable and maturing industry whose technologies are now being exported to PMT, giving New Jersey a competitive advantage.
Learn more about and get the full story here. 

South Jersey Port Corporation Awarded $6.6 Million Grant to Expand Electric Vehicle Fleet 

Governor Phil Murphy's administration is awarding $6.6 million to the South Jersey Port Corporation to support its ongoing efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, operate more efficiently, and be a better neighbor.
It's all part of the Governor's $100 million initiative to reverse climate change by turning to clean energy alternatives and to make New Jersey fully powered by clean energy by 2050.
The Governor is funding his initiative by leveraging proceeds from the reentry into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and money from the Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Fund.
With this $6.6 million investment, SJPC will replace 23 pieces of older gasoline and diesel forklifts and cargo handling equipment with new electric-powered units and associated charging stations. SJPC aims to systematically convert all of its energy-consuming assets to zero-carbon within the next decade as suitable replacement equipment becomes commercially available.

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Did You Know?  New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announced an investment of more than $100 million in “clean, equitable” transportation projects to improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change in New Jersey. The governor committed to move the state toward 100 percent clean energy by 2050.

South Jersey Port Receives Mid-Atlantic Marine Highway Designation 

In January, SJPC was officially notified that our Camden facilities have been added to the Mid-Atlantic Marine Highway by the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD). The marine highway links the ports of Norfolk, Baltimore, and Philadelphia via a container barge service operated by Columbia Coastal Transport. Over the past year, SJPC has identified import and export business opportunities for the barge service and works with customers and other partners to identify container lines to utilize the service.
"This designation will allow us to expand our service possibilities for both current and new customers," said Brendan Dugan, Assistant Executive Director/Director of Business Development for South Jersey Port Corporation.
Read the full story 

South Jersey Port Corporation:
In the Community 

South Jersey Port Corporation employees were on hand to help in Camden, our host city, with an art installation project aimed at addressing illegal dumping along corridors in the city. Funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, dealing with illegal dumping in a creative way is at the core of the project. The project goal is to transform six places along the city’s public transportation corridors into visually interesting spaces with installations that involve resident participation. The larger goal is to boost pride and economic development.
Read the full story 

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