
Prayer Service for the Sending-Off of our “Pray Their Names” Exhibit

Join us Wednesday at 4:00 for a Zoom Closing Prayer Service for our “Pray the Name Exhibit”. We will remember and pray for those who have died and those who are working towards a more just world.

Please come and celebrate this exhibit with us and help us to give it a good send off to its next location. Our Prayer Service will be

held in conjunction with The Rev. Larry Hallett of Kenwood Community Church and his congregation as well as David Carlson and any other members of Emmaus Community in Sonoma County.

The exhibit of names on hearts on the front lawn of our church is “Pray Their Names,” a traveling exhibit that originated in July of this year, and has already been installed — for one month at a time — in Sonoma, Santa Rosa and Foster City. It is made up of 163 wooden hearts, and was conceived by Sonoma's Katie Morrison, an artist, teacher and pastor.

The installation of 163 hand-painted wooden hearts displays the names of Black victims of racially charged murder, who were often killed at the hands of police. The project, first conceived by local pastor and public-school teacher Rev. Katie Morrison, is the product of the concerted efforts of a volunteer community workforce during this moment of reckoning of the nation’s centuries-old history of systemic racism brought to the fore by the May 25 killing of George Floyd.

The Pray Their Names Exhibit will remain at Saint Patrick’s until Thursday of this week. You can learn a little more about each person with a memorial found on the following website: You will find here the individual names of the 163 people who were killed, with the date of their death, the location, and the way they died. Please pray for each of them and for healing of race related violence in our country.

Join us on Wednesday, April 28, at 4:00. All are welcome!

Invitation below:

The Rev. Doyle Dietz Allen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Prayer Their Names Exhibit Closing Prayer Service

Time: Apr 28, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 359 610 0851

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