Chief Executive's update

Online supervision reports for international medical graduates
We have recently launched an online supervision portal for international medical graduates (IMGs) new to practice in Aotearoa, and required to work under supervision. The portal is designed to improve efficiency in the way we go about collecting supervision reports for IMGs.
All new IMGs gaining registration will use the portal, with their supervisors completing the required supervision reports online. Over the coming weeks we will migrate IMGs who are already registered to the new portal.
The portal is designed to be easy-to-use and has the advantage of having a built-in notification system to remind supervisors and IMGs when reports are due. The portal also means that Council will receive the reports immediately, cutting out some of the administration involved.
Supervisors and IMGs can access the portal through their MyMCNZ account. We have updated our website’s guidance on working under supervision with a detailed step by step guide for supervisors on how to complete the reports.
We would welcome an opportunity to demonstrate this new portal and will be running webinars for supervisors on how to complete supervision reports online. These webinars will cover the process on how to access, complete and submit supervision reports. We are emailing supervisors directly with further details.
If you wish to access a webinar or if you have any questions about online supervision reporting, please contact:
Nisha Patel, Manager, Registration;; 04 381 6992
Harin Gill, Team Leader, General Registration;; 04 381 6994
Chris Jenkinson, Team Leader, Vocational Registration;; 04 381 6811
I would like to take this opportunity to thank supervisors for the important contribution made to support IMGs to integrate into practice in Aotearoa.

Joan Simeon
Chief Executive