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A biweekly newsletter by artist/writer Declan Shalvey.
Still mental busy. I could do with a break! But, lots to be done before I have such a luxury.
-I'm well deep into PROJECT GRAVITY, just finishing pencilling the 3rd part. This one was a little different as I worked from an outline as opposed to a finished script, which I've never really done before. Was interesting though, this project has definitely pushed me as a storyteller.
-I illustrated a cover for a friend's series last weekend which is one of my favorite pieces I've done in a while. Can't show it far a good while though, which is torture! Which, I guess I deserve as we have some variant covers for TIME BEFORE TIME that we haven't revealed yet. So yeah... I had it coming :P
-Just handed in a Marvel cover that was a bit different, that's always great to be able to do. I have a couple of covers to get done this week once I get the chance, one for TIME BEFORE TIME (WIP seen below) and another for a book by some friends. Hoping after that, I can start making more of a dent in my commission list.
Upcoming TIME BEFORE TIME cover, work in progress
-Been lots of TIME BEFORE TIME press/interview stuff in the past week leading up to Final Order Cutoff. More to come leading up to release!
-We have an artist on board for PROJECT CRIMSON! This is a short story I was to write/draw but deadlines nixed that unfortunately. Someone else is drawing it now, I just handed in the first draft for it. I can't say who it is but Declarations readers will be achingly familiar with him.. I'll say that much.

-Dave Harper of SKTCHD and Off Panel fame is bringing out the SKTCHD BOOK 2020, following on from the 2019 edition he brought out. It collects some great features from the brilliant website wonderfully packaged with a foreward by yours truly. I was honoured to be asked, David's contributions to comics discourse is one I hold in great regard. Not; the book is available for ONE WEEK ONLY, so hope over to the Big Cartel and treat yourself to a great book of comics analysis.
-And oh yeah... I launched a bleedin' Kickstarter! It's been a lot of work leading up to this, and now even more work with it being live! I'm launching a surprise stretch goal today, as a thanks for the support in getting the Kickstarter fully funded in a day. Head over to the campaign and help us nudge the fund up a bit. Ah go on, I know a lot of ye looked, but didn't pull the trigger! Go do it, I'd really like to get to that goal that upgrades the book for everyone by the end of the campaign.
The FOC for #1 was yesterday, so I sure hope ye got yere orders in.

There's a certain amount of relief I'm feeling today; did all we could do to push the book, nothing we can really do beyond this point, it's out of our control now.
A lot of smart people our book
Promo-wise, I'm still running the Process Edition Kickstarter but outside of that, I contacted all the retailers I knew about the book, while Rory emailed 300 himself. Joe did a lot of supplementary art to help us push the book, the entire team including the colourist, editor, designer too- all have been brilliant to help push the book online with every post I put out there, along with posts of their own. We have the whole first arc finished before #1 is even out, had issues to show ahead of time, plenty of testimonials, great creator and retailer feedback, have bookplates for a retailer, we released an original online story.... I'm sure there's more we did that I can't think of right now, my brain's a little fried.

It's been a real effort to push this book, so will be interesting to see how it'll perform with retailers and then once it's actually out, if it'll find an audience with readers. I'm dead proud of the book and everyone's work on it, can't wait for people to actually read it.
Here's the solicitations for #3, a new cover by myself along with the great variant cover by Christian Ward I revealed in the last Declarations.

Rory and I are still working on the next story arc, giving Joe a bit of a well deserved break. Have something special planned for #6, but more on that another time.
I was interviewed by Sam Stone at CBR about TIME BEFORE TIME, which you can read here. The site also revealed some more art from the book a couple of which you can see below.
The good folks at Marvel had me on their Marvel Pull List podcast to talk about a book I love that's part of their great archive of stories. I chose DEADLINE which was a great early 2000s mini-series written by Bill Rosemann, drawn by the legendary Guy Davis and coloured by the amazing Dave Stewart. Fun fact; Bill was the man who hired me at Marvel back in 2010 as editor of Thunderbolts at the time).
I very much recommend DEADLINE if you're a fan of Sandman Mystery Theatre, Marvels or Gotham Central. I talk more about it in the podcast itself, give it a listen!
I was on another podcast! The 'Into The Knight' Moon Knight fan podcast just posted it's 200th episode and to mark the occasion, had me on for an interview. Rey was lovely to chat to, you can listen here.
I have a handful of podcasts ahead of me about TIME BEFORE TIME so if you're sick of the sound of my voice, you're about to get more sick of it!
May 05th
May 12th
June 16th
June 12th
Okay, that's all from me this week. I'll be back again in a couple of weeks. Feel free to share the subscribe link between now and then.

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Declan Shalvey · 0 · Dublin, · Ireland

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