
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH, Friday, April 23, 2021, V9 Issue 34
Today is the final day to purchase yearbook to be SHIPPED FREE to the school. 
Any yearbooks purchased after 4/23 will be delivered to your home address and SHIPPING FEES WILL APPLY.

  • Friday, April 23
    • Today is the final day to purchase yearbook with NO SHIPPING FEES!

  • Monday, April 26:
    • Last Day to Check Out Library Books
    • Mid Quarter Progress Reports Sent Home This Week (See Teacher with Questions)
    • Kona Ice Treat from PTA for all Students (each grade/class scheduled separately)
  • Tuesday, April 27:
    • Kona Ice Treat from PTA for all Students (each grade/class scheduled separately)
    • Middle School Strike Zone Certificate Pick Up and Photo 7:30-7:55 AM
  • Wednesday, April 28:
    • Kona Ice Treat from PTA for all Students (each grade/class scheduled separately)
  • Thursday, April 29:
    • Board of Director Meeting @ 5:00 PM
    • Caps for Kids Day
  • Friday, April 30:
    • Leader in Me Family Activity Due
    • Deadline at 6:00 PM to Submit PTA Executive Board Nominations for the 2021-22 School Year
Leader in Me Focus of the Week
2021-22 Academic Calendar
2020-21 Academic Calendar
Sign Up for Before/After Care
Important Dates

5/3:  All Library Books Due 

5/3-4:  4th, 5th, 6th, 8th READING FSA On Campus

5/5-6:  4th, 5th, 6th READING FSA eLearners

5/5-6:  7th READING FSA On Campus

5/6:  Leader in Me Family Activity Dress Down Day

5/10:  Final Overdue Library Book Notices Sent

5/10-11:  7th & 8th READING FSA eLearners

5/10-11:  3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade MATH FSA On Campus

5/12-13: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th MATH FSA eLearners

5/12-13:  7th Grade MATH FSA/ALGEBRA EOC On Campus

5/14:  8th Grade SCIENCE FSA On Campus

5/14:  8th Grade SCIENCE FSA eLearners

5/14:  Cereal for Summer Collection Ends

5/17:  Library Bills Will be Sent for Lost or Damaged Books

5/17-18: 5th Grade SCIENCE FSA eLearners

5/17-18:  5th Grade SCIENCE FSA On Campus

5/17-18:  7th & 8th Grade MATH/ALGEBRA/GEOMETRY FSA/EOC eLearners

5/19-20: 8th Grade Math/Algebra/Geometry FSA/EOC On Campus

5/20:  Kindergarten Graduation

5/20:  PTA General Assembly Meeting at Noon

5/20:  Board of Director Meeting

5/21:7th Grade CIVICS FSA eLearners

5/21:  7th Grade CIVICS FSA On Campus

5/21:  Finn's Fighters Gala

5/27: Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon

5/27:  Bolts of Blue Non-Uniform Day for Year 7 and Above or Donate $6

5/27:  Last Day of School/Last Day of 4th Quarter

7/1:  Deadline to Purchase 1st Day School Supplies through PTA

PTA News

Kona Ice Treat from PTA
Each on-campus student will receive one free Kona Ice on one of these days- teachers have schedule of days their class will attend.


PTA Nominating Committee
Your Lutz Prep PTA Nominating Committee has begun the process of nominating our Lutz Prep PTA Executive Officer Committee for the 2021-2022 school year. This is an important process and we are requesting help from our PTA members to nominate a great group of people to lead the PTA next year.
The 2021-2022 PTA Executive Board positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Recording Secretary
  • Corresponding Secretary
  • VP of Ways and Means
  • VP of Pre-Prep
  • VP of Elementary School LP
  • VP of Middle School LP
  • VP of School Support
  • VP of Yearbook

If you would like to nominate yourself or another individual as a candidate to fulfill these roles (current PTA Board Members can be Re-nominated), please complete the following online application. Click HERE to complete the Survey Monkey online form.

Nominations are being accepted until Friday April 30th at 6:00 PM.

Donation boxes are located in the office of the Pre-Prep and Main Buildings
Collections on campus will be through Friday, May 14th

PTA General Assembly Meeting

2021-22 School Supply Lists Now Published

For Families Who Prefer to Shop on Their Own

Families can always choose to purchase school supplies on their own.  It is NOT required that families order school supplies through 1st Day School Supplies, this is just a different option for shopping.

To view a full list of the 2021-22 School Supply Lists please visit our website under the Campus Life\School Supplies tab to print the list by grade and start looking for those back-to-school sales.

Additional Important Information
Please note, a consumable instructional materials fee and additional items may be added during the school year based on factors included but not limited to:

  • Individual student schedule
  • Elementary Grades:  specials classes - Art/Music/PE/Tech/Spanish
  • Middle Grades:  elective classes
  • Certain classes will have supply lists on their syllabus that will be communicated prior to the start of school or the first day of class
  • School wide Leader In Me resources
  • Teacher selected/preferred/recommended resources 

OPTIONAL:  1st Day School Supplies One Stop Shopping
Deadline to Place Order:  Thursday, July 1, 2021

Great news!  Lutz Preparatory PTA has continued their partnership with 1st Day School Supplies to give you an OPTIONAL way to help make your back to school shopping for next year a breeze!  This is not a fundraiser but rather an opportunity to save you time this summer.  The school supply kits are ready to go with the exact supplies your LP teachers have requested.  Each kit will be delivered directly to your 2021-22 teacher's classroom before the first day of school.

You can order your school supplies for the 2021-22 school year now! 
You are just a few clicks away from getting everything you need for next year!!!  It is super easy … click, pay, done!  Now you can plan on what to do with the time you would have spent at the store and in line! 

Click Here to Purchase 1st Day School Supply Kit - Deadline 7/1/2021

Congratulations to Our 3rd Quarter Middle School Strike Zone Award Recipients
In order to qualify for the Strike Zone, a student must earn a 3.75 or higher G.P.A., have no discipline infractions, and no more than 3 absences (excused or unexcused) in a quarter (The attendance qualification has been removed until further notice).  Each quarter, students are recognized with a ceremony, certificate, and a reward.  Students have an opportunity to earn Strike Zone each quarter.
Certificates will be passed out on Tuesday, April 27th during arrival at the middle school gate from 7:30-8:55 AM.  A photo collage of our 3rd quarter recipients will be posted on Facebook once we get additional photos from our eLearner students. 

Board of Director Meeting
Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. is operated by a board of directors made up of community members with diverse and strategic expertise.  Please click HERE for a full listing of our current board members and the assigned representative to facilitate parental involvement.

The meeting schedule and past meeting minutes of the board or directors are posted on the Governance tab of our school website.  Meetings are open to the public and are published in our NEWSFLASH and on the Governance section of our website. 

Public Comment

Please note, a new online way to sign up for public comment at the board meetings.  Click HERE for the online form; must sign up and check-in 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.

As we wind down for the end of school, the Media Center needs to get all library books returned and students records cleared.

Important Media Center dates:

  • Monday April 26th – last day for students to check out books. Books checked out that day will be due in one week instead of the usual two.
  • Monday May 3rdAll student library books are due back in the Media Center. (If a child needs a book for a project, please contact Mrs. O'Sullivan)
  • Monday May 10th – Final overdue notices will be sent home.  If your child receives one and you feel the book has been returned, please have your child see Mrs. O’Sullivan (or email for a shelf check.
  • Monday May 17th – Students will be billed for lost or badly damaged books.  Books must be returned or paid for before the beginning of the next school year in order to check out books next year.

Please note that during testing windows attendance and punctuality are important; please limit scheduling appointments and early sign-outs.

3rd - 8th Grade On Campus Students

**TENTATIVE** Testing Plan
**Reminder: These timelines are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**

3rd - 8th Grade eLearners
Please refer to emails that were sent on Friday, April 23, 2021 or visit the Assessments tab of our website for full details.  

FSA & EOC Parent Notification Letters

Please click on the respective grade level links below for FSA Informational Letters that were sent home with students on Wednesday, March 24, 2021.  For future reference regarding FSA please continue to monitor the NEWSFLASH.
  • 3rd-6th Grades:  Grade 3, 4, 5, or 6 ELA Writing/ELA Reading/Mathematics Assessment 
  • 5th and 8th Grade:  Grade 5 or Grade 8 Statewide Science Assessment
  • 7th-8th Grade:  Grade 7 or 8 ELA Writing/ELA Reading/Mathematics and/or Algebra 1/Geometry/Civics End-of-Course EOC Assessments   

Please visit the Florida Department of Education's
Florida Statewide Assessments Portal
The portal
provides access to general information about the Florida Statewide Assessment Program and links to other Florida resources to include practice tests, frequently asked questions, testing resources, etc.  
Caps for Kids Day at Lutz Prep and Lutz Pre-Prep

We love our learning community and appreciate the care we show when we support each other.  One of our incredible 7th graders is currently battling leukemia.  She is on the waitlist for Caps for Kids to receive her own autographed cap from the celebrity of her choice.  For more information about that program please see the attachment.

We want to demonstrate our support for her, her family, and other children battling cancer.  We are hosting a Caps for Kids day at Lutz Prep on Thursday, April 29, 2021

We would love to see the whole school community participate for an individual $1.00 donation per student.  You may donate virtually at the website Caps for Kids created (see link below) or you may have your child bring in a donation in an envelope to give to their classroom teacher.  Our goal is to have our on campus and eLearning students all contribute to display our love and kindness to this wonderful 7th grader who calls Lutz Prep her home.  Thank you for your support and generosity. 

Date to wear school appropriate cap:  Thursday, April 29th

 Ways to donate:

  1. CLICK HERE for LP virtual collections for Caps for Kids via their website
  2. Bring money in an envelope to give to your child’s teacher

See read this for full details regarding Caps for Kids.

Leader in Me Family Activity for April
Due April 30th

Three Wellness Questions to Discuss as a Family Daily BEFORE Leaving for School
We are relying on our families to be good citizens in our community in our efforts to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Click HERE to view our COVID-19 Protocol

If your child tests positive for COVID-19 we are requesting that parents immediately report this to the school via the following online form (even overnight and/or weekends).This will allow our step-by-step mitigation process to begin with contact tracing and notification to all students/staff that may have been potentially exposed.  Thank you for your partnership in helping us keep all of our students and staff healthy.

This button is also linked on the pop up box on

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