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Vaccination tracker 💉 
1,489,481 Coloradans are fully vaccinated as of 11:59 p.m. 4/18/21
That's roughly 25.9% of the state's 5.8 million population

The weather: a high of 41 and sunny ☀️ melting away whatever snow managed to stick around from last night. And if the sky looks a little hazy today, it's not fog — it's 420. 

In honor of the holiday, here are a few news nuggets I thought were worth dispensing this morning...

 In terms of a carbon footprint, the commercial cannabis industry shares a shoe size with waste management and coal mining, according to a study from Colorado State University. Learn about the impact that commercial cannabis has on the environment and what one Denver-based dispensary is doing to make the green industry a little greener. [9News]

 No plans yet, but want to partake in the festivities? Check out this list of local 420 events, including cannabis-themed recipes to cook, shows to watch, podcasts to binge, panels to attend, and more. [The Know]

Speaking of podcasts, if you missed it, listen (or re-listen) to the City Cast Denver podcast episode on how to address racial inequities in the weed business. [City Cast Denver]

Something just for fun: Order a 420 Hot Taco Box from Señor Bear or Mister Oso that contains chips, queso, guac, four Crunchy Gordos (think yummier, juicier Gordita Crunches), cookies, and a gift from the Higher Grade dispensary — all for $40.20. [Señor Bear; Mister Oso]

And if 420 isn't really your thing, well, have a happy Tuesday anyways!

—Peyton Garcia (@peytonmgarcia)

Denver homes vandalized with anti-police graffiti.
Yesterday morning, several Capitol Hill residents woke up to find anti-police graffiti covering their homes. Vandalization was found all the way from the Governor's Mansion to Cheesman Park. Officials are still investigating. [CBS4]

Officials look to honor Denver's Chicano/a history.
Denver's landmark preservation team is working to better reflect the Chicano/a history and culture of La Alma Park and the surrounding neighborhood. City officials are trying to identify and preserve historic structures throughout the city associated with Latinx and Chicano/a history. [9News]
👉 What you can do: The city is asking the Denver public to share their Latinx/Chicano/a stories here

💩 CO's infamous warm weather convo: dog poop.
Like with every spring and summer in Colorado, the return of warm weather brings hikers. The return of hikers brings an unprecedented amount of abandoned dog poop, a conversation Coloradans apparently never tire of discussing. [The Know]

🧃 USDA approves state's home-school meal plan.
When kids across the state had to switch to remote learning due to the pandemic, low-income students were missing out on meals that schools usually provide for them. The USDA recently gave the green light to extend a state program that offers funding to low-income households to replace those missed meals. [CO Sun]
🎙️ Today's Podcast
Weed culture and the continued fight for social equity.
To celebrate 420, today on City Cast Denver, we're talking to Ann Marie Awad, host of the CPR podcast "On Something" about the state of weed culture and the fight for social equity in the cannabis industry.

+ THURSDAY: Peak of the Lyrids meteor shower.
Around 4 a.m. on the morning of April 22 will be your best chance of seeing some serious meteor action. NASA predicts potentially 20 meteors an hour. Learn more here

+ THURSDAY: A conversation about climate change
What a better way to celebrate Earth Day than with a compelling conversation about climate change. The free webinar will feature a diverse lineup of filmmakers, artists, and performers exploring the topic. Register here

+ FRIDAY: RiNo's Friday Night BAZAAR returns
RiNo's recurring Friday night market is back for the season with dozens of local vendors, food trucks, and more. Learn more here

A cyclist and hikers on a JeffCo trail. (Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post/Getty Images)
Meet one Jefferson County resident who dedicates up to six days a week of his own time to helping clean and maintain 210 miles of local walking, biking, and hiking trails. Mark Hinchman, an Air Force veteran, has kept up this routine for eight years. JeffCo Open Space officials describe him as "outstanding" and "experienced." Denver7 News hailed him as an "Everyday Hero." As Earth Day approaches, perhaps we can all try to channel a little of Mark's can-do attitude toward our outdoor spaces. Hats off to you, Mark Hinchman 🎩👏 [Denver7]
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