<<First Name>>, we hope to see you this Thursday!

Legacy Lunch
Sports and the Gospel

Thursday, April 22

Sports and the Gospel is the theme for our April Legacy Lunch. We will hear from a missionary speaker who uses sports as a unique approach to sharing the Gospel. Join us in the Community Room on Thursday, April 22, at 11:30 am or join us online at 12:15 pm. Invite a friend and sign up to bring a side dish to share. The church will provide fried chicken. We are so looking forward to seeing everyone!

To join us virtually, visit this site on Thursday just after 12:00 noon...

Password: smallgroup

For our security, the link won't be live until 15 minutes before the meeting. Once at that link, click the bottom link "join as guest". If asked for a password, use "smallgroup". 

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Legacy is a community of mature adults at Brook Hills who meet for fellowship and spiritual encouragement. The term legacy indicates purpose and intentionality rather than just a description of how old we are. We hope this name will encourage all older adults to build a legacy of faithfulness to God, realizing that we are not finished growing and serving.

Jay Gordon
Adult Small Groups Minister

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