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Air Quality Awareness Documentary and Panel Discussion

To celebrate Air Quality Awareness Week in Tennessee, the TN Asthma Coalition is hosting a virtual viewing of Unbreathable: The Fight for Healthy Air (view trailer) and a brief panel discussion on May 6, 2021, from 12-1 PM CT. 
Unbreathable: The Fight for Healthy Air looks back on 50 years of the Clean Air Act, highlighting both the incredible progress made in cleaning up air pollution as well as stories of communities that are still suffering from polluted environments.

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CPF's Involvement

The Cumberland Pediatric Foundation is a founding member of the Tennessee Asthma Coalition (TAC). Currently, CPF is partnered with the TAC, a nonprofit volunteer group of air quality and asthma subject matter experts in TN, to address asthma and indoor air quality issues in public schools through an EPA-funded project titled “School Air Quality and Asthma Evidence-Based Interventions.”

The grant project, managed by CPF, will engage 10 pilot schools through

  1. In-person visits addressing a school’s current adherence to the American Lung Association’s Asthma-Friendly Schools guidelines, conducted by TAC members
  2. Provide each visited school with an Asthma Action Plan that includes a variety of resources to improve asthma and air quality issues inside the school
  3. Follow-up visits to gauge improvements made after Asthma Action Plan is put into place.

The main goal of the project is to improve the school environment and air quality for students with asthma and raise awareness in the public school system of the need to reduce asthma triggers.


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Cumberland Pediatric Foundation · 5141 Virginia Way, Suite 230 · Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 · USA